Nathan is a ladies man in kindergarten. He's usually surrounded by a small gaggle of girls. He just eats up the attention. He is following in his grandfather's footsteps. LOL
Nathan has his favourite girls; at the beginning of the year it was all about Elizabeth but now he's all about Cheyanne. The little red haired girl to my Charlie Brown boy.
We saw Cheyanne, her little sister Autumn and their Mom at Home Depot one day and we stopped to chat. After we walked away, I started to harass Nathan about Cheyanne.
"Is Cheyanne your girlfriend?"
"No!", Nathan says with a silly grin.
"Do you have a crush on Cheyanne?"
"No!", he replies again.
A minute later, Nathan turns to me and says, "Mom, Cheyanne makes my eyes turn to hearts."
It took all my energy not to crack up laughing. He was so sincere and so dripping with puppy love that I almost fell over. I beat a hasty backtrack to Cheyanne and her Mom to tell her this tidbit. Her Mom shrieked in laughter and we've been talking about it since.
This is definitely one to bring up (in some form or another) at his wedding.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago