Here are my little monsters. You'd ALMOST think that they liked each other.
LOL Nicholas always wants to do what Big Brother Nathan is doing. I know that this frustrates Nathan to no end but he's gotta live with it. They will be brothers forever...even if they don't always like each other.

This is Nicholas, my future football player/rugby player/professional wrestler.
LOL He is not even 3 yet and wearing clothes that Nathan just outgrew last fall. He is 38 inches tall and about 40 pounds. He's a real
cheeseball when it comes to having fun. He likes to play innocent but I know that he's really an evil little munchkin.
And Nathan...my first born, my sunshine boy and my biggest source of torment. He is high octane, high energy and more than a little sensitive. He is very much like Stephen in that he is strong willed and likes to test the boundaries. I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, maybe a little more respectful of Mommy's authority but he's cute so he makes up for it.
look at those handsome little devils!
They sure are cute Christine!
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