Saturday, June 23, 2007

Too Many Buns

I think I'm living in a nudist colony right now. I'm trying to toilet train Nicholas and it is just easier to let him run around naked. He doesn't have accidents while he's naked. It's like he knows that he'll piddle on his toes if he starts to pee. However, if he has a Pull-up or a diaper on...he doesn't bother to ask for the toilet until he's already peed. I even tried big boy underwear but he's not into them. He had a screaming hissy fit until I changed him. No accident but he didn't like them. Maybe if I get him some Lightning McQueen undies he'll be more inclined. Hmmmm?!?

And Nathan, my dear sweet Nathan, just likes to hang free. LOL He sees Nicholas in the buff so he thinks its ok for him too. I've been seeing naked little boy bottoms all week. Too many buns! LOL

So fair warning for those who are local...if you drop by as a surprise, you may get a surprise of your own. The boys forget that they are nude and will run to the door to greet you.

I'm sure my neighbours have already seen more than they care for since one or the other likes to stand in front of the window on the stairs and people watch. This used to be such a nice neighbourhood...then we moved in. LOL

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's all Dad's fault

I got a call from my Dad tonight. He apparently was calling before the meds kicked in. WHAT!?!

My Dad, at the early age of 56 or 57, went back to school to become a Community Support Worker. There are a number of job opportunities with that diploma but he chose working with mentally handicapped adults. He's covering for someone's mat leave, nervous breakdown, some sort of extended leave of absence.

Today, Dad and a client/resident had gone for a drive to a park and went for a walk. As they were walking back to the van, the client tried to run into traffic. Dad saw what was coming and physically blocked the client. The client is, as Dad describes it, built like a fire hydrant. Short, squat and impossible to move.

As Dad blocked the client, he was knocked off his feet and fell on his left side. My Dad is now sporting a bruised hip and butt cheek along with a funky foam sling from a partially separated shoulder. The shoulder had partially popped out and popped itself back in. Along with the bruises, he has a LOT of soft tissue damage and will be off work for a minimum of a week but most likely longer. He is now 59 years old so he doesn't bounce back like he used to.

So there you have it folks...this just proves that I follow in his footsteps. This is just the latest in his list of injuries. He has a LOOOOONNNGGG history of falls and wipe outs and so do I. Nathan and Nicholas are following this line too. LOL

So tonight as you lay your head on your pillow and drift off to an easy sleep, think of my Dad and chuckle to yourself over his misery. I know I will. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm kidding! Love you Dad. I hope you feel better soon. ;-)

Zoo Field Trip

Today was Nathan's field trip to the Valley Zoo. It was both French Immersion kindergarten classes (53 students between 2 classes) and the English kindergarten with about 20 students. Families were invited to join them at the zoo but we'd of course have to pay our own admission. No sweat!

I drove my van with Nicholas, myself, another Mom and her preschooler. She had volunteered to take a group of students in the zoo but I hadn't.

We stood outside the zoo entrance waiting for another parent to show and when it looked like she wasn't coming, I volunteered to take her group in. Nathan saw that I had a group and asked if he could leave his group and join me. The teacher, the other parent and I agreed so I was in control of Nathan, Nicholas and 3 additional 5/6 year olds. Oh JOY! LOL What was nice was that by taking a group of students into the zoo, I got in free. I only had to pay for Nicholas. Watch me do my happy dance. LOL

Through the whole day, Nathan was the trouble maker. He decided that he didn't want to be tied down to the group and would take off at will. I swear the zoo visitors knew my son by name because I ended up bellowing it often enough.

All in all, it was a good day. We rode the little train, the kids rode the carousel, we had our picnic lunch, we watched the flight display and we walked the zoo a couple of times over. I don't think the kids really looked at the animals much but overall, we did well.

A quick drive back to the school to drop off the other Mom and preschooler and we made off for home. Nicholas was so tired that he napped in the van coming back from the zoo AND he went to bed at a decent hour. Quiet time for Mommy. Yahoo! LOL

Friday, June 15, 2007

First Impressions & Too Much Honesty

I'm writing this because of some posts about how strangers maul large families and families of multiples and ask goofy questions. This is my situation, similar but still so different.

As some of you know, I'm a little...different in my appearance. I'm a plus size (I love politically correct terms for Fat Chick LOL), have amazing blue eyes with lashes that go on forever (I'm not bragging, people have told me this), and super short hair dyed dark purple. I have also shaved my head from time to time, but that is another story.

I have all of 2 tattoos, small and not very tacky. I am gearing up for a memorial tattoo for late this summer.

I have been called a dyke and a butch by friends and family and the majority of the time I'm OK with that. I've been hit on by women and though I get flustered, I enjoy the compliment.

So what this leads to is...why do people feel it is their right to ask me my sexual orientation? I have been asked by 3 different parents at Nathan's school if I'm gay. A couple of others have admitted to wondering but were afraid to ask. I know these people strictly by sight because our children go to the same class.

My first reaction whenever someone blurts out the question is, "Why, are you looking for a date?" or "No, I enjoy the company of all humanity."

I'm not bitter about the impression people get of me, but I am bitter that people think it is their right to know. Aren't I still a good parent? Am I not a whole person if I'm one way or the other? Does it really matter in the greater scheme of things? How does MY choice of partners affect their lives?

I leave this up to discussion. Go ahead, tear me apart...I like the attention. LOL

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Because Someone Asked/Nicholas's Story

Someone asked me why I thought Nicholas might have problems toilet training. The simple answer is that Nicholas was born with kidney and bladder problems. He might not have the same full bladder sensations that others have.

Here is the FULL story:

I had just had an ultrasound at 22 weeks pregnant and I was changing from my OB/GYN to a midwife. At my very first midwife appointment, she did the normal stuff like monitoring the baby and letting me hear the heartbeat. When I got up, she said to not worry too much but there was something about the baby that was found on the ultrasound. She handed me the report and I read that my male baby had left side hydronephrosis. Essentially too much fluid in his left kidney.

I was horrified. I thought that I had done something wrong. I had caused this. The midwife assured me that this wasn't the case but she recommended that I have the baby in Edmonton rather than at our small town hospital...Just in case.

The rest of my pregnancy followed all the "rules" except that I had to have Bio Physical Profiles (more intensive ultrasounds) every 4 weeks to monitor the baby and his kidney. In the mean time, I met with nephrologists (kidney specialists) and our pediatrician to discuss what was coming.

On September 7, 2004, Nicholas Arthur Lee was delivered. He did great immediately after the delivery and promptly voided his bladder but then gave us a scare and wouldn't keep his colour. The NICU respiratory team came in to monitor him for about an hour but he perked up so they left him with me.

Within his first month of life, Nicholas was poked, prodded, and scanned to see the full impact of his hydronephrosis. He was diagnosed with Class 5 Urine Reflux (the worst level) and he had an obstruction of some sort in his ureter that couldn't be fully diagnosed without invasive surgery. He was put on a daily prophylactic (preventative) dose of antibiotics to try and prevent bladder and kidney infections.

He was good until he was about 2 months old. He had his first breakthrough infection and was admitted for IV antibiotics. He also went through more scans to monitor his condition. He continued having renal scans at 6 months and 1 year to keep a close eye on his kidney. They were looking for any signs of the kidney failing or reducing in function.

At the one year scan, the urologist (Pee Pee doctor LOL) said that his kidney function was reducing and that they'd schedule him for surgery. He had hoped to hold off on surgery until he was between 2 and 5 years old but that was not to be.

Over the course of his first 18 months, he was having a new breakthrough infection about every 6 weeks.

His surgery date was within days of his 18 month birthday. He had a pyeloplasty and left uretic re-implant. Basically, they cut out the excess ureter with the blockage, some stretched out kidney tissue and moved the ureter at the bladder to a better position so it would "close off" when the bladder was full. He was in the hospital for 4-5 days hooked up to a catheter, an IV and an epidural.

This photo was taken about 2 weeks after the surgery and while he was getting antibiotics for a staph infection in the incisions. The larger incision opened up at the surface but the under lying tissues were well stitched and remained closed. The lower incision was from the drain they put in right after surgery. He has another incision along the "bikini line". It runs from the body centre line almost to his left hip. Remember that this is on the body of a LARGE 18 month old. He was 31 lbs when he went into surgery and looked like he was 2 or 3 years old.
He has gone back for renal scans every 6 months to monitor the situation. They have shown that the kidney is stable and is neither improving nor deteriorating. If the next scan in the fall is the same, then they will stretch out the scans to once a year.
The scars have faded to skin tone and he is an active boy. He'll be starting playschool in September when he turns 3 years old. He loves his big brother and follows him everywhere. Whatever Nathan does, Nicholas has to follow suit. We have some concerns for later in life when he wants to join sport teams but the doctors have assured us that he will be able to but he'll need a more rigid kidney protector.
Nicholas looks healthy and people that don't know about his hard start would never imagine that there was any thing wrong. It's very deceiving. Soon he'll be old enough to start to watch out for himself but I still think he'll be an adrenalin junkie like his big brother and he'll play hard at everything he does. I have faith.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

One More Down

Nicholas has given up the lovey blanket! He was weaning himself off of it and leaving it in his bed or on the counter. He just stopped asking and looking for it. I kept them clean and available in case he decided that he needed them but he hasn't.

I finally did the final step and folded them up and put them away permanently this past weekend. I marked the occasion with a stiff drink that evening. Now we still have the toilet training but it is coming along. He's asking more frequently and asking before he does it in his diaper. Diaper free is a long way off still but he's doing better than I ever imagined.