I got a call from my Dad tonight. He apparently was calling before the meds kicked in. WHAT!?!
My Dad, at the early age of 56 or 57, went back to school to become a Community Support Worker. There are a number of job opportunities with that diploma but he chose working with mentally handicapped adults. He's covering for someone's mat leave, nervous breakdown, some sort of extended leave of absence.
Today, Dad and a client/resident had gone for a drive to a park and went for a walk. As they were walking back to the van, the client tried to run into traffic. Dad saw what was coming and physically blocked the client. The client is, as Dad describes it, built like a fire hydrant. Short, squat and impossible to move.
As Dad blocked the client, he was knocked off his feet and fell on his left side. My Dad is now sporting a bruised hip and butt cheek along with a funky foam sling from a partially separated shoulder. The shoulder had partially popped out and popped itself back in. Along with the bruises, he has a LOT of soft tissue damage and will be off work for a minimum of a week but most likely longer. He is now 59 years old so he doesn't bounce back like he used to.
So there you have it folks...this just proves that I follow in his footsteps. This is just the latest in his list of injuries. He has a LOOOOONNNGGG history of falls and wipe outs and so do I. Nathan and Nicholas are following this line too. LOL
So tonight as you lay your head on your pillow and drift off to an easy sleep, think of my Dad and chuckle to yourself over his misery. I know I will. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm kidding! Love you Dad. I hope you feel better soon. ;-)
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
OMG your poor Dad. I'm impressed by his battle wounds. I'm even more impressed by his ambition in going back to school and beginning a different career at 59. Most people are winding down to retirement by then. Although it's good to be able to continue working beyond retirement if you're so inclined.
I will be 59 at the end of this year. (20 years older than my sister, Carol). I don't feel like I'm too stupid to go back to school. I just don't have any ambition. You're so right about not bouncing back at 59.
Have a good day, today.
Dad was in the military until he was 44 (after 20+ years in the Airborne and Army), he became a driving school instructor then retired again when it was no longer fun.
After a few years of being alone with a dog and a cat and doing a LOT of volunteer work, he went back to school so that he could get paid for what he was doing as a volunteer.
His classmates were all very young (18-22 yrs) so he was the old fart the whole year. I have to commend him as I don't know if I would have the courage to do what he did.
That's pretty scary. Nice to know you come by it honestly though... (and the boys, too...)
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