Nicholas has finally discovered the joys of not wearing a diaper all day. He is DAY TRAINED!!! He is quite enamoured with wearing big boy underwear and he had a little question..."Why is there a hole in the front of his underwear?" He insisted he needed a new pair and this pair needed to go into the garbage. I had to get Stephen to explain it because I was doubled over laughing. Now it's funny to reach in there and pull out his tally-whacker and let it hang in the breezes. Thank God he only does that at home!
To make pee breaks fun (and because my own bladder has shrunk to the size of a walnut), when Nicholas says he has to go pee, I race him to the washroom. I try to get there first and tell him that I have to pee first. He just laughs at me and tells me that he gets to go first. He knows that I wouldn't make a new toilet user wait. Little turkey!
He's so proud of himself when it comes to the whole toilet routine. He needs to share it with me every...single...time! He's very capable of stripping down to do what needs to be done but he likes Mommy to be there as an audience. Privileged, aren't I? LOL Every once in a while he'll let Daddy in on the experience but mostly, he likes Mommy to be there.
With the toilet training and big boy underwear comes the fascination with his butt. He's proud of his. Very Proud. Ever watch your 3 year old give himself a wedgie then proudly parade around the house, taunting you to "get his butt"? You're missing a funny time. I don't know how many times he's lead one of us on a wild chase around the house. Ah, it gives us grown ups some exercise. LOL His favourite "trick" now is to hide around a corner, jump out in full wedgie, wiggling his tushie at us. Very reminiscent of Nathan who used to hide around corners, strip down and throw his clothes into the room just before jumping out in jumping jack formation to yell, "I GOT NAKED!"
I have a couple of exhibitionists on my hands. And who would have guessed I could have a whole post about my kid's fascination with toilets, underwear and his butt? LOL
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago