I did an oopsie! LOL
I found out last night that I'm expecting baby #3. I confirmed it today with an appointment with my doctor. I expect to be due August 30th. This means another hot summer being VERY pregnant.
I just realized that it appears Stephen and I only do the deed when the weather gets cold. Nathan was conceived in November 2000 and was born August 2001. Nicholas was conceived in December 2003 and born September 2004. This one was conceived in November 2007 and, like I said, is due August 2008.
Why do I do this to myself? LOL Of course, I blame Stephen. LOL
I think we had jinxed ourselves. I had donated the majority of the baby and toddler clothes to charity, we'd been discussing how the boys are getting old enough to appreciate and remember vacations (Disneyland was in the works for this year or next), we're happy with 2 boys and all their challenges, and Stephen had agreed that if I made the appointment, he'd get snipped. I think we're a little late on THAT one. LOL
I still have the big stuff, crib, high chair, stroller, and exersaucer but we'll still need to get a new carseat and a bunk bed set up for the boys.
Nathan wants a girl and Nicholas wants a boy. Stephen and I just want healthy. Granted, after 2 boys, I'd be over the moon with an infusion of pink but healthy is the first priority. In the mean time, I'm booking Stephen's appointment. LOL
So much for losing 30 pounds, eh? LOL
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
Congratulations-the best laid plans and all that. The best babies are the little "surprises". Three is a great, wonderful number. Sign me, mom of 3 (grown) daughters.
I know I said it before but seriously OMG so happy for you, congratulations!! Whatever it is boy or girl they will have 2 great big brothers to look out for them.
Congrats Christine! :)
This new little one will be a wonderful addition to your family!!
*hugs and smooches*
A baby?!! How did THAT happen? LOL
Congrats to you all.
Well Babzy...When a man and a woman love each other very much, they will lay down together. The man puts a seed into the lady's belly and it grows into a baby.
snort, snicker, giggle
Did he use gardening tools?
Congrats! I hope you are feeling well!
PS I am lol about your how babies are made comment!
Thank you for all the well wishes. As I said, it was an oopsie but I'm not too upset about it. I told myself about a year ago that if I was meant to have #3, I would be gifted with #3. Guess I got my gift, eh? LOL
And no, there were no gardening tools used. LOL I thought the explanation would appeal to Babzy's twisted sense of humour.
I'm still in shock, Christine. lol
Sending pink vibes your way...
Awwwww Hope! Thanks! And here I was thinking you hated everything pink and fluffy. LOL
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