Basing my opinion on the fact that Nicholas has one visible gall stone and potentially more that are not seen yet, I think I sent him into a gall bladder attack this week.
I made fried chicken one night and Nicholas ate half a breast. The following morning, he woke up complaining that his belly hurt then promptly had a technicolour yawn. He got sick a few more times over the space of 5 hours then was perfectly fine.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't food poisoning since Nathan ate the other half of the chicken breast and wasn't sick at all the next day.
I called the GI clinic and they said to call back the next morning if he was still sick and they'd fax over another lab requisition. Since he was fine by then, I didn't do it.
A gall bladder attack may fit...greasy food then belly pain and vomiting lasting less than 12 hours. Oh, the questions I'll have at the next appointment.
Our Childhoods, Cake Wrecked
15 hours ago
Not fun, Christine. The Buscopan they prescribed me to 'manage' the pain was worse than the pain. Any ideas how long it'll be before they can do something about it?
(take the skin off and bake his chicken breast next time...)
His next appointment isn't until May 22nd so I'll bring it up at that point. After that appointment I don't know what will happen.
No one could tell me anything about how to help him. He wasn't holding anything down so I couldn't give him Gravol unless I got suppositories.
Healthlink was more worried about dehydration so they weren't of much help and the nurse at the GI clinic had to talk to the dr first. By the time she called me back, he was fine.
As for the chicken, it was already skinless. I breaded it and fried it. I'm going to have to start to bake his stuff.
Could whole fat milk and cheese set off an attack? Nic was having issues at night last night.
Everything else he ate was fruit or cereal. The only "fatty" things were the milk and cheese.
YES. Milk and cheese are REALLY BAD. Anything that contains fat - nuts, avacado, mayo, dairy, even what you cook with like olive or canola oil, most cereal has fat content. Skim milk, raising bran, non-fat cheese and yogourt, skim milk, veggies, and white meat steamed or boiled or baked or broiled. That's why I lived on tunafish and yellow beans for like 6 months...
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