Here I am, the night before Nicholas's surgery trying to figure out how to keep him calm. He's been really whiny, clingy and demanding. Everything is setting him off and his reactions are over the top for the circumstances.
He was mad at Nathan because Nathan got to what I asked for first and grabbed it. Nicholas started to swing because HE wanted to get it for me and Nathan of course defended himself. Well...that set Nic off into absolute hysterics. He finally got an apology from Nathan (Nathan had hurt him a little with a glancing head butt) but he was still sobbing. Even me holding him wasn't enough to calm him. He finally said that he was scared about the operation tomorrow. He's afraid of the "pokies". I sat him down and said that I'd be honest with him and tell him what he wanted to know.
He wanted all the details from the time we got up until the end of the day. I told him about going through admitting, getting jammies on and then getting a cream on his hands so that the pokie won't hurt so much. I tried to explain that Mommy or Daddy will take him into the operating room and hold him until he falls asleep then when he wakes up, we'll come and sit with him until it's time to go home. When I explained that I'll have his blanket and his stuffed "Moosie" he was happier.
Hopefully I can get him off to bed tonight with little fanfare. He's looking forward to getting up early so that he can have some Jello. (He can have clear fluids and Jello until 4 hours before surgery.) Isn't that just like a kid! LOL
So, be thinking about us tomorrow at 11:30. Hopefully they'll be on time so that he isn't kept waiting without food for too much longer than is necessary. That's Mommy's worry. LOL
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago