I don't know how this happened so fast, I have 8 weeks left until my expected due date. It seems like not that long ago that it was January/February and I was just announcing my Oopsie! LOL
Any ways, this has been my healthiest pregnancy so far. No high blood pressure, no complications with the baby, no gestational diabetes, nothing really bad. Sure I'm having the typical pregnancy related discomforts but they are manageable. I'm a little anemic but iron supplements fix that pretty fast. Other than that, I'm just melting in the heat. Sweating like a man comes to mind. LOL
I have to see the OB every 2 weeks now. The boys have been coming with me lately and they love to hear the baby's heartbeat. They think it sounds squishy or watery. I just like the sound. LOL
I'm measuring a little larger than average but I'm not surprised. Nathan was born at 38 weeks and was 7 lbs 12 oz. If I'd gone the full 40 weeks, I'm sure he'd have been 8 or 9 lbs easily. Nicholas was born within days of his due date and was 9 lbs 3 oz. With history and measuring a little large, I figure this one will be around 9 lbs too. Gee I hope the sleepers and diapers I bought are big enough...Yikes! LOL
Overall I'm pretty much ready for baby to arrive. The only thing that still needs to be purchased is a car seat. We're looking at a Britax Marathon for in the car (better fit with 2 boosters) and an infant carrier seat for in the van. I figure it'll be easier when I'm alone with the munchkins to have a carrier seat to attach to the shopping carts. LOL
We've also ordered a bunk bed for Nathan and Nicholas. It's a single bed over a double bed. We've already got the mattresses so we're just waiting on the frame. It's on back order so it could arrive any time between now and the end of August. I hope it's sooner though so we can move Nicholas into Nathan's room and get them settled into the routine of sleeping in the same room. Once Nic is moved, I can set up the crib in his old room. Nic is pretty excited about the move into the bunk bed and into Nathan's room. He sees it as graduating into a bigger big boy. Whatever floats your boat little man! LOL
So that's the update for now. Maybe I'll update again before the baby actually arrives. LOL
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
About bloody time... thanks for the update, Christine. WOW only 8 weeks, hey? Blow my mind!
And there is a slim possibility that Stephen won't be here for it. Nice, eh? LOL
I am absolutely in love with my Britax Marathon, I guarantee you are going to be VERY happy with that carseat.
OMG I can't believe Stephen might miss the birth!
DO you know if its a boy or girl??
Hey shutterbug!
I was going to keep "hiding" it but someone spilled the beans to my Dad already so I guess there is no need. LOL We're having another boy apparently. We have done our part to maintain the family name. LOL I will continue to be the only source of estrogen in this household. BAH!
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