What would you have done differently if you knew it was the very last time you'd ever see someone? What would you have said? Would you have changed something?
What if you knew that the last time was coming? What would you have done differently leading up to it? Would you have made the attempt to be there for that last Christmas? Would you have traveled out for that last birthday together? What plans might have gone differently?
Would you have stopped thinking about yourself and just been there...in that moment. Would your perspectives have changed?
What would your conversations have been about? Would you have said all you wanted to say? Apologize for the wrongs? Celebrate the greats? Ask for their advice? A share of their wisdom?
Would you have held them closer? Wiped more of their tears? Would you have held on so tight like you'd never let them go?
What would you change if you only knew then what you know now?
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
Cripes. Not the lightest conversation to walk in on, hey?
I would ask more questions, and listen.
I would have been there more. Just BEEN there, in her light. I would have laid beside her and held onto her...been the little girl I used to be with my Mommy.
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