Holy crapper it's been a while since I've updated! I'm a bad blogger, get over it! LOL
OK, Nathan just turned 8 on the 9th. We did a family day that included playing in the new play ground in Spruce Grove, swimming at Millenium Place (and a short visit to the indoor playroom), the supper that he requested and finished off with the cake he picked out (Chocolate Mousse...Like I was going to argue! LOL) We'll do a party with his friends after school starts up again. Both Nathan and Nicholas enjoyed playing on the Medical Emergency toy...I mean the new Slip and Slide. They had a blast sliding into the little puddle at the end. Both were nicely scraped up by the end so fun was had by all. LOL
Nolan took his first unaided steps on the 5th. He is really doing well with walking, he just needs to build his confidence. He walks with a light touch on anything but not really holding on to anything. He'll stand then realize he's not holding onto anything and start to squat to sit down. A few times he's clued into the fact that he's standing on his own power and straightens up with a look of self satisfaction.
He's ramping up the cheese factor by 1000%. He likes to give a big cheesy grin, wrinkle his nose and make funny sounds. He'll either make a geeky laugh sound (the big intake of breath) or he'll start to snuffle (like panting through the nose). The really funny part is that there are photos of ME making the same face when I was a baby! He's definitely mine. No switcheroos at the hospital!
Nicholas has lost 2 bottom front teeth in less than a week. The Tooth Fairy had to scramble the first time and came up with 4 quarters but this time she knows she has a loonie. She made sure of it. Now if he'll only go to sleep!
Stephen is going to be on vacation again starting next Tuesday. He'll be underfoot, I mean home with the family, for 3 weeks. After last month's trip to Disney Land, San Diego and San Francisco, I doubt he'll want to drive anywhere further than a 3 hour trip. LOL Maybe I can convince him to go 5 hours and we'll go up to Lesser Slave Lake again on a day trip.
I'm still recovering from Disney. It wasn't Disney that was the problem it was the one day we spent at the beach. That is for another post though.
I'm not exactly sure what else we're up to but we always seem busy. Nothing is accomplished but we've remained occupied! I know that I have some household chores to do but I'm trying to wish them away. I keep hoping magic fairies will come over and clean the playroom for me and little gnomes will stop by with their tiny mowers and take care of the grass. But every morning I wake up to disappointment...they didn't come over. If anyone has seen these creatures, please do me a favour and send them my way.
So while I disappear into my delusions, enjoy the rest of your summer everyone!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
If you ever see those fairies send them to my place to LOL
Hrmm. Been more of a while. How are the boys liking school? How's my Mr. Baby Fatty Cheeks doing? How are YOU doing?
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