I'm writing this because of some posts about how strangers maul large families and families of multiples and ask goofy questions. This is my situation, similar but still so different.
As some of you know, I'm a little...different in my appearance. I'm a plus size (I love politically correct terms for Fat Chick LOL), have amazing blue eyes with lashes that go on forever (I'm not bragging, people have told me this), and super short hair dyed dark purple. I have also shaved my head from time to time, but that is another story.
I have all of 2 tattoos, small and not very tacky. I am gearing up for a memorial tattoo for late this summer.
I have been called a dyke and a butch by friends and family and the majority of the time I'm OK with that. I've been hit on by women and though I get flustered, I enjoy the compliment.
So what this leads to is...why do people feel it is their right to ask me my sexual orientation? I have been asked by 3 different parents at Nathan's school if I'm gay. A couple of others have admitted to wondering but were afraid to ask. I know these people strictly by sight because our children go to the same class.
My first reaction whenever someone blurts out the question is, "Why, are you looking for a date?" or "No, I enjoy the company of all humanity."
I'm not bitter about the impression people get of me, but I am bitter that people think it is their right to know. Aren't I still a good parent? Am I not a whole person if I'm one way or the other? Does it really matter in the greater scheme of things? How does MY choice of partners affect their lives?
I leave this up to discussion. Go ahead, tear me apart...I like the attention. LOL
13 hours ago
Hmmmm This is a juicy topic.
First of all I cannot believe that anyone would ask you that question! Please tell me it just isn't so!
And the reason I can't believe it is because people would not do a double take if you lived here in the Vancouver lower mainland. Your look is non-traditional but that's why it would fit in perfectly around here. If anyone here looked twice at you it would be because they are wondering where you got the cool hair colour and would it look good on them, too.
It's very possible that people are intrigued by your appearance because Stony Plain may have a far different demographic than Vancouver. It's nothing to do with your appearance but everything to do with some individuals' lack of exposure to unconventional style.
As for them coming right out and asking you if you're gay, it may be because their mommas didn't teach them any manners. I doubt if they think it's their "right to know". They're just nosy and don't have the couth to keep their questions to themselves. Pity them for their lack of finesse.
Your unconventional appearance may lead people to think you are gay because a straight woman wouldn't have tatts and purple hair. Wrong again. Many gay women have a conventional look because they don't want to be centered out. So the fact that you look the way you do would give me the impression that you are straight and sassy.
This may get me into trouble but what the hey, if your kids and husband are okay with your purple hair, etc, then carry on. If your family members are not okay with it then you might want to investigate the reasons why.
My final thought - just say "No I'm not." and leave it at that.
Why am I the only one who commented on this post? Is it because everyone else agrees with me and can't add anything?
People .. don't leave us hanging here. Right Brat?
Either they totally agree with you or they're afraid to post that, 'Yeah, Christine is a giant diesel dyke.' LOL
My hubby and kids are ok with it so what am I worried about?
I don't think I'm really THAT different looking. We're only about 15 minutes from Edmonton so there should have been some exposure to strange appearances.
It doesn't really matter that I don't "fit the mold" because I'm not changing to satisfy people around me. I'm doing what I want with my body...even if that makes people wonder about me. LOL
Christine, I could go on for hours about this one, but I won't. Suffice it to say that peole are, in general, nosy and often ignorant. We live in a society that has been trained umpteen times over to read physical cues based on stereotypes, and then have these ideas visually and verbally reinforced by the media, bigots, and stupidheads.
My suggestion is, "I like cock. A lot. You?"
Ticky - I want you to go on for hours about this subject. Do a post. I like reading your stuff. Don't necessarily agree with you on everything but there's no doubt you get my attention and others I'm sure.
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