Did you know that in Victoria there is a place called the Victoria Bug Zoo? At first sight, it is a gift shop with bug related products...rubber bugs, suckers with bugs inside, bug nets and the list goes on. For a small price, you get to go into the back room and see a multitude of bugs on display.
Now, I'm talking live bugs in glass cases not dead bugs pinned in pans.
We got into the tour that had just started and much to my amazement, the guide started taking bugs out of their cases, holding them out for us to see up close and to pet. Some bugs he allowed us to hold as well. We had a lot of kids in our group and most of them were game to hold bugs.
Nathan held a Praying Mantis, I held a Thorny Devil, and Stephen was the most daring of us all by holding almost every bug that came out of a case including a tarantula.
Nicholas petted a couple of bugs but couldn't be convinced to hold one. Not bad considering he's had a bug phobia since being flown at by a couple of wasps last summer.
I was CONVINCED that this would be a lame and/or creepy place to visit but I was determined to go for the sake of the boys. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I thought Nathan would have fun and I was right; he LOVED it. I liked how informative and casual the place was. I'd actually recommend it but definitely go in with the tour because it is so much more fun when you can touch the bugs and see them up close.
I enjoyed holding and viewing the bugs. Nicholas sure impressed me considering his phobia.
It's good to let kids hold bugs and other ugly things like snakes, mice, etc. I would be hiding behind a locked door, myself.
Hey! Who let the hubby in here? LOL
Stephen is your hubby? hahaha You can run but you can't hide.
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