Because Stephen doesn't get home until Friday, I got to take the boys Trick or Treating by myself. Nathan was a burgundy dragon with a purple tummy and yellow/gold wings. Nicholas was a green dinosaur. Because the costumes were fun fur and padded, they only needed to wear long sleeved shirts and pants under them. I went as the frazzled and sleep deprived Mother of three. I used our old Snugglie and my old Cabbage Patch Doll. I wore my flannel pj pants, a t-shirt and my housecoat. I thought it was funny! Some of the neighbours thought it was cute too.
I fully expected to just do our street and be done with it. We could have stopped because the bags were pretty full after just our street.
People were handing out HANDFULS of candy this year and full size chocolate bars. Holy MAN! We stopped at home to dump the bags and the boys decided that it would be fun to go to another neighbourhood. Nicholas was starting to peter out so I put him on his tricycle that I can push and we headed to the "adult oriented" neighbourhood up the street.
Even here they got a decent haul. Nicholas was up and down on whether he wanted to get candy or not. I think that he wanted to get more but he just didn't have the strength. Nathan was very hard to contain. He wanted to run to each house so that no one would run out before he got there. Typical 6 year old. LOL
I swear, after dumping the bags, we filled a Blue Recycling Box. Now the treats have been sorted and inspected and I'm sure there will be candy until next Halloween. At least there will be LOTS for Stephen to pick through when he gets home. LOL I think I'll send some up north with him when he heads back. I love good ideas!
I hope everyone has had a spooktacular Halloween and that no one got egged or had property damage. Little yahoo delinquents. (No, no bitterness here! LOL)