OK, now I'm SURE that I've pissed off the Karma Gods or the Gods of Fate.
Nicholas has been sick again for 3 weeks or so. Nathan caught something at school and infected Nic. Nic's cough has been going from bad to worse then a little better (just to play tricks on my hopefulness) and now he's worse again.
I think I've had maybe 3 or 4 hours of very interrupted sleep a night for the past few days because Nic wakes up coughing and spewing. I was simply going to call his Dr and get an appointment until he started with the BLACK FLECKED POOPS AGAIN!!! It was only a month ago that he pulled this one me.
So, after taking Nathan to school and getting my new debit card from the bank, I took Nic to the local hospital. I spent a good portion of the day there and nothing has really been figured out. Chest x-rays look clear and belly x-rays just showed a lot of gas in his intestines (probably the reason he was tooting up a stink storm in the ER, LOL).
I now have to privilege of getting stool samples again! Oh Joy! Oh Joy! This time around, he has to be on a restricted diet for 3 days before taking samples and then for the 3 days I'm collecting samples. No red meat, no bananas, no grapes, no melons, and no alcohol. Poor kid can't get a beer! LOL
Because of these restrictions, I have to just keep all his favourite stuff out of the house. Man oh man, I hope he will poop on a regular schedule. Yeah right...my kid do ANYTHING normally? Not on your life! LOL
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
YOU can still have a beer or two or a dozen.
I haven't had a cold since my son finished high school.
Hope everything turns out okay. Good luck to all.
*ugd* Christine! You pooor dear.
I second the beer.
Let me bring it to you , cold and frosty okay?
YOU need it!
That would require a road trip Dani! Maybe I'll finally be able to see you for more than an hour or 2. LOL
Stephen will be home on Friday night so I'll be able to have some Bailey's on ice or a Bailey's slush (depends on whether I feel like pulling out the blender or not LOL)
Christine, I say you trade the kids in.
And I third the beer...
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