Why me? I'm generally a good person. Most of the time any way. LOL
I got an automated phone call this morning from my bank saying that I may have shopped at a store that is under investigation for debit card copying. As a precaution, the bank would reduce my withdrawal amounts until I could come in to get a new card and PIN. No one answered at the Loss Prevention area so I figured I'd just talk to the people at the branch tomorrow.
Because of the idea my card may have been compromised, I ran to the computer to check my on-line banking records. Everything was checking out nicely until I saw a transaction dated for tomorrow (the first business day after the long weekend). $102 was withdrawn and I know I didn't do it. I figured it couldn't have been Stephen either because there is no reason for him to take out cash while he's on site. I've since checked with him and he verified that he hasn't taken out any money.
I called the phone banking and let them know that I didn't make that transaction and I wanted my money back. The lady could see on my file that there was a possible compromise of my card and immediately "statused" my card so no more transactions could go through. She then opened an investigation for me so that I could try and get my money back.
I haven't been out of the house since the 5th because Nathan, Nicholas and I have all been sick. I asked if the lady on the phone could tell me which store the compromise happened at and she didn't have that info. She said it was probably at one of the last couple places I shopped at.
In any case, I have to wait for 14 business days to see if the bank will return my money. Because there is the possible card copying note on my file and I immediately called about the fraudulent transaction, the lady on the phone said it sounds pretty open and shut. We'll have to see since I don't have much faith in "the man".
To top this off, I had forgotten about another issue from a couple of months ago. I received a letter from the health group that runs the hospitals in Edmonton. Apparently, last May, 3 or 4 laptops were stolen from one of their offices and some of the files had my info on them. They reassured me that the risk was low because there are 2 levels of password protections on the laptops. They did warn me though to keep an eye out for suspicious mail, credit applications, etc to guard against identity theft.
So, am I just unlucky or have I really pissed off the Karma Gods again? LOL
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
What a PIA. I had my purse stolen a while back - they got my SIN and the kids' birth certificates. Makes me stomach sick to know that someone out there has those things that are so private and personal with no regard whatsoever for my right to a peaceful life. Nothing has ever come of the theft - I presume the thief ditched the purse after buying a couple decks of smokes. But in the same token, those were my children's birth certificates, and it might be YEARS before anyone finds a good 'use' for them. >shuddering>
Identity theft is rampant now. I don't think anyone will escape it. I've had two different credit cards used by these people. I'm going to do a post on this later because both times it could have been prevented.
I honestly just felt violated. And it also could have been prevented because there had to be a "watcher" or a camera to record my PIN. Obviously I haven't been as careful as I thought while guarding the keypad.
Yesterday, after I got my new card, I had to get snarky with a customer at the grocery store because he was moving up while I was trying to pay. Hello! I've just been robbed essentially, I'm a little paranoid about anyone standing too close to me now.
Shit...I felt violated when my CAR was broken into. So I can imagine, for you, this is MUCH WORSE!!
I loathe thieves!!!!
Bunch of Bass-turds!!
Christine you mentioned a camera or someone watching for your pin number. That's exactly what happened to me and others. It was a guy using a camera phone standing very close. He and the cashier were in on it together.
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