I saw my el doctoro this morning to discuss my latest round of tests to try and figure out why my body acts like the body of a woman twice my age.
Apparently, one of my blood tests came back borderline for rheumatoid arthritis. A negative result is under 20 and my level was right at 20. There was another test run at some recent point that also gives an indication of RA and that was negative.
So, I left the office with a requisition to re-test my RA factor in mid to late January.
The saga continues...MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
2 hours ago
Could be worse - you could have borderline personality disorder... lol
Hopefully you'll have some answers soon, Christine. I know from personal experience how frustrating not having an answer is.
Hi Christine, did you have a good Christmas? Kids drive you crazy?
About six months ago I went for blood tests because I hurt all over. Just like you, my doc figured it was RA and sent me to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist spent over an hour checking me out and said I do not have RA but asked if I had had a cold or the flu when my blood was tested. I did have something at the time which I remember because I was barking and hacking while waiting in the lab for my test.
His conclusion was that I had inflammation possibly due to the flu and also fibromyalgia and a frozen shoulder. When I got the shoulder X-ray it revealed osteoarthritis. I had inflammation all right but not due to RA or the flu. It was because of osteoarthritis and bone grinding on bone.
If you have to have arthritis, pick OA rather than RA. Hopefully it's neither one.
Good luck finding a diagnosis.
Happy New Year Christine and family.
You are too hot to have anything wrong, please let us know how it all goes !
I still need to go in and be retested. I asked if the pregnancy would skew the results and the doctor said that it wouldn't.
However, whatever the results are, we'll just fold our hands in our laps and do nothing. Guess NSAIDs and steroids and whatever else they could prescribe don't mix well with a fetus and my plans for breastfeeding. Go figure! LOL
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