Monday, December 10, 2007


What am I going to do with this kid?

We got his report card at the end of November and the parent/teacher meeting the following week. Considering this is Nathan's second year in kindergarten, I was expecting a pretty good report...I was wrong.

Out of the 20 letter sounds they had studied (by the time of the meeting), Nathan could only identify 8. When he gets instructions, he looks like he's listening, he seems to be comprehending but when he goes off to do what he's been told to do, he blanks out. If you lead him with one instruction at a time, he can do it but 2 or more instructions and he loses it.

The teacher is checking into what Nathan has been assessed for with his hearing. Was he assessed only for word sounds and simple hearing or did they also assess for retention. Nathan's teacher isn't sure if it is the fact that the instructions are in French or if there is a misfire, missed connection that is the problem.

We are trying an experiment with Nathan. Because his teacher is also the English kindergarten teacher, she offered to let Nathan come in on the English days to see if he starts to "get it" or not. He'll continue in the French class as well so he'll be going every day rather than 2 or 3 days a week. This would at least show us if it is the French that is the problem or if there is something else happening. Maybe he's just not cut out for French Immersion. We'll have to see. This is his second week of trying the English class as well as the French class.

Nathan is also getting over a bad cough. He still coughs some but he's well on his way to healthy. Or as close to healthy as he can get. LOL He's not exactly known for being "normal". LOL Takes after his Mother.


Hope Walls said...

You know, my steapdaughter has taken to French Immersion like a fish to water, but my boys didn't do French Immersion well at all. Hopefully he's just not cut out for it, and there isn't an APD behind it.

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

APD? Alternate Personality Disorder? LOL

Tanya said...

Ahhh hopefully it's nothing serious!!

Hope Walls said...

auditory processing disorder...

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

The reason we're trying the english class in addition to the french immersion is to see if he's having problems understanding the instructions in French or if he's simply having trouble understanding instructions.

The teacher says that he looks like he's listening, he's eager to do what is asked but a minute later, he has no idea of what he's supposed to be doing.

She described it as a missed connection or a gap in the connection. He hears it but it doesn't register in his memory. Maybe a retention problem.

So I'm not sure how long this experiment is going to go on before we figure out one way or the other.

I'm gonna feel like shit though if it turns out he has a medical type memory problem. All the frustration with him over not remembering what has been said...I've always thought that he just lacked respect for me and my authority.

Tanya said...

Christine just take things as they come. No one can know what is going to happen in the future so you just cope the best you can at that time and when you know better you will do better.