Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Happenings in the Lee Clan

Holy crapper it's been a while since I've updated! I'm a bad blogger, get over it! LOL

OK, Nathan just turned 8 on the 9th. We did a family day that included playing in the new play ground in Spruce Grove, swimming at Millenium Place (and a short visit to the indoor playroom), the supper that he requested and finished off with the cake he picked out (Chocolate Mousse...Like I was going to argue! LOL) We'll do a party with his friends after school starts up again. Both Nathan and Nicholas enjoyed playing on the Medical Emergency toy...I mean the new Slip and Slide. They had a blast sliding into the little puddle at the end. Both were nicely scraped up by the end so fun was had by all. LOL

Nolan took his first unaided steps on the 5th. He is really doing well with walking, he just needs to build his confidence. He walks with a light touch on anything but not really holding on to anything. He'll stand then realize he's not holding onto anything and start to squat to sit down. A few times he's clued into the fact that he's standing on his own power and straightens up with a look of self satisfaction.

He's ramping up the cheese factor by 1000%. He likes to give a big cheesy grin, wrinkle his nose and make funny sounds. He'll either make a geeky laugh sound (the big intake of breath) or he'll start to snuffle (like panting through the nose). The really funny part is that there are photos of ME making the same face when I was a baby! He's definitely mine. No switcheroos at the hospital!

Nicholas has lost 2 bottom front teeth in less than a week. The Tooth Fairy had to scramble the first time and came up with 4 quarters but this time she knows she has a loonie. She made sure of it. Now if he'll only go to sleep!

Stephen is going to be on vacation again starting next Tuesday. He'll be underfoot, I mean home with the family, for 3 weeks. After last month's trip to Disney Land, San Diego and San Francisco, I doubt he'll want to drive anywhere further than a 3 hour trip. LOL Maybe I can convince him to go 5 hours and we'll go up to Lesser Slave Lake again on a day trip.

I'm still recovering from Disney. It wasn't Disney that was the problem it was the one day we spent at the beach. That is for another post though.

I'm not exactly sure what else we're up to but we always seem busy. Nothing is accomplished but we've remained occupied! I know that I have some household chores to do but I'm trying to wish them away. I keep hoping magic fairies will come over and clean the playroom for me and little gnomes will stop by with their tiny mowers and take care of the grass. But every morning I wake up to disappointment...they didn't come over. If anyone has seen these creatures, please do me a favour and send them my way.

So while I disappear into my delusions, enjoy the rest of your summer everyone!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Now how do you explain this?

I was at the grocery store today with the munchkins and roaming the aisles by the pharmacy. As we strolled past the "Intimate" section, Nathan picks up a box with flames all over it and the word Hot listed on it. It was a box of condoms extolling their great feel and how hot your love life would be. Of course Nathan has no clue what this box contains but is interested in the flames and the few words he can read.

In what I would describe as a loud voice, he asks me if what is in the box is hot/spicy. I'm trying not to laugh as my mind was in the gutter and thinking dirty thoughts about how spicy the contents can make one's life. He was under the impression that the contents were something to eat. I tried to be subtle and only answer what I was asked but it wasn't going to fly for Nathan. I didn't want to explain what was in the box at quite that moment as there were other people around but Nathan was persistent. He's good at being persistent.

So my explanation was something along the lines of, "Honey, what you picked up was a box of condoms. When a man and a woman have sex, they can put a condom on the man's penis so that his 'seeds' won't get inside the woman and make a baby."

Well, didn't Nathan's face turn a delightful shade of red. LOL Poor kid! I don't think he knew whether to be grossed out or to laugh. He made a funny face, giggled nervously then looked a little grossed out. LOL His reaction kind of made my day as I hadn't laughed much by that point. He hasn't said anything else about it for the rest of the evening.

My poor kid, traumatized in the grocery store. LOL

Monday, June 15, 2009

Busy, busy week

What a freaking busy week last week was for me! Holy cracker-doodles! LOL Lots of airport runs and day home kids and out of town visitors and getting sick and baby teething and, and, and! LOL

With 2 day home kids plus all three of mine, we picked Stephen up from his airport commute. My Dad, his partner Karen (I guess I could start calling her my step-mom, they are common law now. LOL) and Karen's brother John were camping close by so they came over for a bar-b-q. Good food, great company...who could ask for anything else?

The next day we took Nathan to an audiologist appointment. Same results, mild hearing loss. Most likely has fluid in there affecting the middle ear so he'll need to see his doctor and get a referral to an ENT to see if we can get tubes or something. Then we went out to the campground to see Dad, Karen and John. John had a guitar and played for a while. Nathan was completely enthralled. John showed Nathan some chords and Nathan sat cheerfully strumming for quite a while. Nic bounced from person to person and dog to dog (Dad and Karen's dogs, Bear and Tuxedo). Nolan smiled and charmed his way through the night.

On Friday we took Stephen to the airport to fly out to his Dad's 70th birthday. Stephen was the surprise guest. His Dad was pretty happy to see him. All in all a success. Saturday involved some shopping then back out to the campground for another feast at the trailer. John played again, Nathan strummed for a little while, dogs were walked, marshmallows were roasted, etc.

Sunday was the only rotten day. I was so weak and sick again. I don't know why it comes on like that but it does. Now at 2:45 Monday morning, I'm feeling a little better. I guess whatever was bothering my tummy has now been expelled. Good thing too since I have to make an airport run to get Stephen from his trip to PoCo. And Tuesday he flies back up to Ft. Mac. Yes, that involves ANOTHER airport run. Man, oh man, my loser cruiser is really putting on the kilometers lately. LOL

I think I'll try to head to bed now since I have a day home client at 7-something and Nathan has to take the bus before 8. *yawn* Nite-nite all!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Littlest Lee is Growing Up Too Fast

I'm starting to see that Nolan won't be a baby forever anymore. He has had 2 teeth on the bottom for a few months now but he has now cut 4, count them, 4 teeth on the top all at once. There may be 2 more coming up from the bottom too but he's being a turkey and won't let me look anymore.

THEN, today alone, he put himself into a sitting position all by himself, pulled himself into a standing position all by himself and tried crawling on his hands and knees rather than army crawling. I'm stunned! Why did he have to pull this all today? He's a big poop! And of course Stephen has to be away this weekend. He's going to see huge differences on Tuesday even though we last saw him LAST Tuesday.

Nolan has also finally had his 6 month shots. He weighed in at 20 lbs 14 oz and just over 27 inches long. He's a MONSTER! Thank goodness he's a good natured, loving, smiley, no making strange monster! LOL

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In Honour of St. Patty's Day

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I caught a little of Regis and Kelly this morning (unintentional, I was channel flipping) and there were 3 priests from Ireland singing this verse. They apparently have a CD called The Priests. I was so moved by them. Maybe it was the sound of their voices (beautiful male operatic voices) or the meaning behind the words (what ever you read into them) but I lost myself in them for the too few moments they were singing.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What if?

What would you have done differently if you knew it was the very last time you'd ever see someone? What would you have said? Would you have changed something?

What if you knew that the last time was coming? What would you have done differently leading up to it? Would you have made the attempt to be there for that last Christmas? Would you have traveled out for that last birthday together? What plans might have gone differently?

Would you have stopped thinking about yourself and just been that moment. Would your perspectives have changed?

What would your conversations have been about? Would you have said all you wanted to say? Apologize for the wrongs? Celebrate the greats? Ask for their advice? A share of their wisdom?

Would you have held them closer? Wiped more of their tears? Would you have held on so tight like you'd never let them go?

What would you change if you only knew then what you know now?