Friday, May 30, 2008

Baby boy with big words

I hadn't even noticed but it was pointed out during recent visits by my in-laws that Nicholas is really growing up and his vocabulary is growing almost daily.

While my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law were visiting, we heard Nicholas using Actually and Ridiculous on a regular basis. He was using them well and in proper context. My Mother-in-law hadn't seen Nicholas in 5 or 6 months so this was a huge change for her.

While my Sister-in-law was visiting, we were talking about caterpillars and butterflies. We were telling the boys about how a caterpillar eats and eats and eats then it makes a nice cozy house for itself and has a long nap. After the nap, it comes out as a pretty butterfly. Nicholas sat there, drinking up the information we were giving then pipes up, "Oh, a CHRYSALIS!"

My sister-in-law and I just about dropped dead with shock! We were trying to dumb it down for a 3 year old and he shoots back proper terminology. LOL Guess he showed us, eh? LOL

I guess 6 months makes a big difference in little kids. LOL

Funny how the mind works

This morning, while he was showering, Stephen had the wierdest thoughts...

He started thinking about the kids and their initials. By using their initials, he found out their futures; sort of.

Nathan James Lee = NJL = In Jail (if you say it fast enough, it makes sense LOL) He's our trouble maker!

Nicholas Arthur Lee = NAL = Nail, as in tough as nails (my medically fragile baby HaHaHa) or he's gonna nail you (fighter, contact sports, etc)

(I won't give the name away since some people don't want to know the sex) NML = Animal (hard to train or rein in) or a Party Animal

Things that make you go HMMMMMMM! LOL And we didn't want to put labels on our kids...LOL

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maybe we're getting somewhere now

We saw the GI specialist again today. She confirmed that all the test thus far have been normal. Nicholas does not have an auto immune disorder that is attacking his body and he isn't lacking enzymes or what not that would prevent digestion or the break down of fats. His cholesterol is good as well. We still don't know WHY he has gall stones, he just does.

As it stands right now, she wants to recheck his liver enzymes and another test that has been missed so far. In the mean time, she's sending a referal to a surgeon to have Nic's gall bladder removed. We still need to wait to see the guy and then wait for the actual surgery so I still think it'll be done after the baby arrives. Oh won't THAT be a fun time? NOT!!!!

The surgeon is the same one that removed the tumour from Nathan's arm in 2006. At least I know what I'm in for with this guy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

6 Unimportant things about me

I was tagged by The meme topic is to share six unimportant things about myself and then to tag six other people to do the same thing.Here are the rules:1. Link back to the person who tagged you.2. Post these rules on your blog.3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry.

1. I am the only blood related grandchild on my Dad's side of the family.

2. I was told I would never have children of my own. (I'm a mother of 2 and I am due with #3 in late August. #1 and #3 were complete surprises, #2 was the only one that was planned.)

3. All the men I have ever dated have been of Scottish decent. (Not planned that way, its just the way things turned out)

4. I was an A and B average student but too lazy (or lacking study skills) to fully reach my potential. If I had actually studied, I think I would have been a straight A student.

5. I started to develop early and got my first bra at 9 or 10 years old.

6. I am such a klutz that I resemble an over ripe banana more often than not.

I'm having trouble tagging people because my favourite bloggers have already been tagged. I'll just put out a general challenge to my friends and family to post 6 unimportant things about themselves.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I took Nicholas for another liver ultrasound this past Thursday. It was to follow-up on the first one and to confirm the findings.

The original findings have been confirmed. He has one lonely gall stone. It is about half a centimeter in diameter. I asked if it moving around could have caused Nic's problems in August and this past February and the doctor that came in said that more than likely, he had 2 other stones that have passed. The passing of the stones would have caused the pain, the liver enlargement, and the enzyme elevation.

His current stone cannot pass on it's own because the duct is just a little too small at only 4 mm.

On the good side, the liver looks good. First indicators said that it was fatty but that proved not true. The bile duct is good too. There is no swelling to be seen at the moment.

So now we wait some more. Nic's next appointment with the GI specialists in May 22nd. We'll have to see what they have to say.

Update on Stephen and Me

Wow, it's been about 2 weeks and no one has hassled me about slacking! LOL

Any way, things have been up and down and maybe a little upside down around here. Stephen and I have finally tried to clean out the storage room a little and the section we've taken care of is GREATLY reduced. The area under the stairs has been jammed with boxes and rubber bins since we moved in here 4 years ago. Some of the boxes had not seen the light of day since the day I packed them. We were ruthless and garbaged what we had to, posted the stuff we want to get rid of and packed the rest away. We have less than half the stuff that we used to. Now, if we could get to the rest of the storage room and put in some shelves to get things organized. Eventually! As long as I can crawl through the mess to get the crib at some point between now and the end of August. LOL

Stephen has been offered a new job. He's been working hard in a labour intensive job since the end of November and has now been offered a supervisory position with another company. He'll be doing the evening shift, supervising 7 people, doing load planning, logistics, and delegating duties. I'm pretty proud of him.

I'm still pregnant and feeling it more and more every day. The baby is making its presence known more frequently and once or twice I've caught movement on the outside. It'll be fun when Stephen and the boys can experience that too.

I'm having some mild swelling issues in my feet, hands and face but it's only bad when the weather warms up. So far my blood pressure has remained steady so for now I'm still on my feet. I'm definitely more tired this time around but since this is the last time I'm doing this, I'm going to enjoy it all. (Famous last words. LOL)