Monday, July 28, 2008

The worries of a munchkin

Here I am, the night before Nicholas's surgery trying to figure out how to keep him calm. He's been really whiny, clingy and demanding. Everything is setting him off and his reactions are over the top for the circumstances.

He was mad at Nathan because Nathan got to what I asked for first and grabbed it. Nicholas started to swing because HE wanted to get it for me and Nathan of course defended himself. Well...that set Nic off into absolute hysterics. He finally got an apology from Nathan (Nathan had hurt him a little with a glancing head butt) but he was still sobbing. Even me holding him wasn't enough to calm him. He finally said that he was scared about the operation tomorrow. He's afraid of the "pokies". I sat him down and said that I'd be honest with him and tell him what he wanted to know.

He wanted all the details from the time we got up until the end of the day. I told him about going through admitting, getting jammies on and then getting a cream on his hands so that the pokie won't hurt so much. I tried to explain that Mommy or Daddy will take him into the operating room and hold him until he falls asleep then when he wakes up, we'll come and sit with him until it's time to go home. When I explained that I'll have his blanket and his stuffed "Moosie" he was happier.

Hopefully I can get him off to bed tonight with little fanfare. He's looking forward to getting up early so that he can have some Jello. (He can have clear fluids and Jello until 4 hours before surgery.) Isn't that just like a kid! LOL

So, be thinking about us tomorrow at 11:30. Hopefully they'll be on time so that he isn't kept waiting without food for too much longer than is necessary. That's Mommy's worry. LOL

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A turn of events

There has been a bit of a change in plans. This change is going to help my stress level go down...just a little bit. LOL

I got a phone call from the hospital again this morning. There has been a cancellation so they can bump Nicholas up to have surgery on July 29th! He'll go to the Pre-Admission clinic on Friday to be weighed and measured to get the meds figured out. I'll find out on July 28th what time we have to be at the hospital.

It's been set up for Nicholas to stay the night but if he comes through with flying colours, the surgeon might release him that day. So as long as I don't have this baby this weekend, I'm rocking and rolling!

Nicholas has been complaining since Monday night that his belly hurts. He's acting like the beginning of a major attack but there hasn't been any vomiting yet so we may be in luck. I think he may be looking for attention rather than actually being in pain. I've been watching a 10 month old in the evening all week and I'll have him the rest of the week too. I think Nicholas is a little jealous and is making sure Mommy is still here and still very much in love with him. We'll have to see how this all develops. IF he's not faking, he may be dealt with even earlier but we'll see. We'll see!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

So much is happening and it seems like not enough time to do it in. LOL I'm at an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet and I need to be kicked out...TOO MUCH ON MY PLATE!!!! LOL

5 weeks and 4 days left until my expected due date and I still need to clean out that room and set up the crib. Minor details is washing and sterilizing the bottles, nipples, toys and pump.

Nicholas has finally been booked for surgery. He's having his gizzard yanked on September 2nd. Yeah, only a couple days after my due date and Nathan's first day of Grade One. Oh what fun! Like I didn't have enough other things on my mind!

On a slightly different (yet very related) note, is it bad to be slightly tempted to send Nic into an attack to see if they'll deal with him sooner? Yeah, I thought so...Bad Idea. LOL

We're still waiting to have more assessments on Nathan. It'll be nice to try and figure out what wires are crossed and how we can help him be the best Nathan he can be.

It appears that I'll be re-opening the day home earlier than expected. We'll see how it pans out this time. I'm considering going through the day home agency to try and make sure I have a full house and to not have to deal with tracking down clients to get paid. Getting into the agency may prove difficult but I'm starting the paperwork now to try and get started soon after the baby comes.

I'm trying to get the house prepped for baby and the day home. Cleaning, re-organizing, purging, etc. It's enough to make your head spin.

So my life is busy...I'm doing everything but completing nothing. LOL Where does the time go? LOL

Thursday, July 10, 2008

So close

We are so close to being done!

The bunk bed arrived this morning so the boys will be sharing a room by this weekend. Now, to try and figure out how to keep their clothes separate. LOL

All the baby essentials are in the house and ready to be installed. The car seats will be dealt with this weekend to ensure they fit in our respective vehicles. The crib will be wiped down and assembled in the near future (after moving Nic to Nathan's room) and then I can deal with the basket of baby clothes that need to be put away. I have a little more stuff to wash before baby arrives (toys, bottles, soothers, etc) but I'm essentially done with that.

I have started to pack my hospital bag. My toiletries are set except for my glasses and I've got most of the socks, undies and jammies that I need. I still need to figure out what I'm taking for the baby but that'll be done in the near future too.

Giving in a little to my OCD side, I have packed a small emergency bag for in the vehicle. Nothing much, just a couple of towels, a snot sucker and some garbage bags. An online friend, who is also pregnant right now, asked what that was for. My response was in case I go into labour while we're out and about, I can sit or lay on the garbage bags and towels and not bleed or leak amniotic fluid on the seats of the vehicles. It seems logical to me...LOL OK, I'm paranoid and a little OCD but if it makes the Mommy happy then it is all right!

7 Weeks 2 days left until my expected due date...It's coming faster than I thought.

Friday, July 4, 2008

8 weeks left

I don't know how this happened so fast, I have 8 weeks left until my expected due date. It seems like not that long ago that it was January/February and I was just announcing my Oopsie! LOL

Any ways, this has been my healthiest pregnancy so far. No high blood pressure, no complications with the baby, no gestational diabetes, nothing really bad. Sure I'm having the typical pregnancy related discomforts but they are manageable. I'm a little anemic but iron supplements fix that pretty fast. Other than that, I'm just melting in the heat. Sweating like a man comes to mind. LOL

I have to see the OB every 2 weeks now. The boys have been coming with me lately and they love to hear the baby's heartbeat. They think it sounds squishy or watery. I just like the sound. LOL

I'm measuring a little larger than average but I'm not surprised. Nathan was born at 38 weeks and was 7 lbs 12 oz. If I'd gone the full 40 weeks, I'm sure he'd have been 8 or 9 lbs easily. Nicholas was born within days of his due date and was 9 lbs 3 oz. With history and measuring a little large, I figure this one will be around 9 lbs too. Gee I hope the sleepers and diapers I bought are big enough...Yikes! LOL

Overall I'm pretty much ready for baby to arrive. The only thing that still needs to be purchased is a car seat. We're looking at a Britax Marathon for in the car (better fit with 2 boosters) and an infant carrier seat for in the van. I figure it'll be easier when I'm alone with the munchkins to have a carrier seat to attach to the shopping carts. LOL

We've also ordered a bunk bed for Nathan and Nicholas. It's a single bed over a double bed. We've already got the mattresses so we're just waiting on the frame. It's on back order so it could arrive any time between now and the end of August. I hope it's sooner though so we can move Nicholas into Nathan's room and get them settled into the routine of sleeping in the same room. Once Nic is moved, I can set up the crib in his old room. Nic is pretty excited about the move into the bunk bed and into Nathan's room. He sees it as graduating into a bigger big boy. Whatever floats your boat little man! LOL

So that's the update for now. Maybe I'll update again before the baby actually arrives. LOL