Nicholas went to see the GI specialist on Thursday. As I figured, the doctor said that it was most likely a virus and it has run its course. One liver enzyme is back to normal and the other is coming down nicely. When he was in the ER, the one was at over 500 when it should be less than 50. The following day, the result was in the 400s and fours days after that, it was down to 133. It is still too high, but it's heading in the right direction. Nic will be fine.
I mentioned that he's still having a little black blood in his poops so the doctor sent us home with a couple of sample jars to get samples for the lab. Nic also needs to have another blood test on Monday to make sure that last liver enzyme is back to normal.
As follow-up, because of the blood still in the poops, the doctor prescribed Zantac. He THINKS that the blood may be because of the vomiting. Nic may have made a little tear in his esophagus and it is still oozing a little. The Zantac will cut down on the stomach acids so that it can heal. If Nic continues with black blood in his poops, then the doctor may need to put in a scope and see what's happening. I doubt that will be necessary though.
As for me, I saw the neurologist on Friday. I showed her my journal of symptoms for August and described how this all came about. She had a tech come in and do some nerve shock tests on my right arm and leg. The results there looked good. "No myelin degeneration detected." Basically, the nerve sheaths are not showing any problems.
However, because of the way the symptoms came on, peaked and have come down, the doctor thinks it would be a good idea to send me for an MRI. She sounded like this was more to rule out MS rather than to diagnose it.
Sounds encouraging, doesn't it? It is, but it also isn't. I'm happy that the neurologist thinks it probably isn't MS (a life long and life altering degenerative disease) but I'm also frustrated about what it could be instead. She admitted that often this type of stuff isn't diagnosed as anything specific. Basically, "Suck it up and deal" or "You're a total head case".
I'll have to see what happens when I finally get the MRI and see what the results are.
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
That's good news, Christine. When are you coming to visit me? I have left a present for you on my blog. See if you can find it.
Hi Christine. There are some new and mysterious bugs around and they can be tenacious. Hope you are both on the mend.
I am glad to hear that both of you are getting better! And solving all of these health mysteries.
I'm happy your getting closer to figure out what's going on with your body.
Slacker. Where are you? I miss you *kiss kiss*
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