Nicholas gave me another health scare and we're not entirely out of it yet.
He has been complaining for about 3 weeks that his belly hurts. Every night he'd lay in my arms, writhing in pain, moaning, groaning and crying. On top of this, he'd have isolated vomiting spells. Out of the blue, he'd throw up then be fine again until that night when he was in belly agony.
On Aug 30th, he was acting normally; playing, fighting with Nathan, etc. He didn't eat or drink much but he seemed fine. Around supper time, I did a diaper change and there were black "fibres" in his poop. It looked like he'd eaten a handful of fine sawdust. I tossed him into the tub to clean him up and I realized that his skin was yellow. I was in denial and thought maybe it was his tan fading. I had Nathan get into the tub too and it was then that I realized that yes, Nic was yellow and it WASN'T a faded tan. He looked up at me and I could see that the whites of his eyes were yellowed too.
I got the boys out of the tub, dressed and started to take him to the hospital but just as I was about to put his shoes on, he threw up. Quick clean up again.
I got him to the hospital and had about a 45 minute wait. The resident examined him as soon as we got in there and I showed the poop sample. (Yes, I brought some so that the doctor would understand what I was talking about! LOL) The resident confirmed my fears that this was blood. It was probably from higher up in the digestive tract so that the stomach and intestines had broken it down a bit.
The Doctor came in and between the blood in the poop, the jaundice and a palpable liver, he decided to run several tests. Nic was poked, prodded and ultimately found to have elevated liver enzymes as well as the enlarged liver.
They started the process of admitting him so that he could undergo an ultrasound and maybe other tests the following morning. We were taken up to our room and as they were bringing the bed in for him, the GI residents came back and said that the had conferred with each other and their supervisor and another doctor in on Nic's case and they collectively agreed that Nic was safe to go home and undergo the tests as an outpatient. They did one more blood test before they let us leave.
Nic had to have another blood test run on Friday the 31st and again today, Sept 4th. He has an appointment with the GI specialist on Sept 6th. I have a mountain of questions that I want answers to.
Nic appears to be doing better since the ER visit (and almost admission). He hasn't vomited since then and he hasn't been complaining about his belly. He is not yellowed anymore (maybe a tiny bit in his eyes) but he still has the blood in his poop.
I want to know what happened, why did it happen, and do I need to be watching for this again.
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
Jeebers, Christine. That poor boy. I think maybe you ought to trade him in for a model that isn't quite such a lemon... no, wait, you just explained that was the jaundice... lol
Having had my own share of GI specialists, make sure you give him LOTS of extra love and attention. GI testing sucks donkey hoho. Here's hoping it's just a minor inflammation and not something that will trun chronic. *knocks wood*
Somewhere during our ER time, the doctors mentioned gall stones as well. I don't think that was the reason for the jaundice but it might explain the vomiting and severe belly pains.
You have no experience in that department do you Hope? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Sorry, I just remember how graphic your descriptions were. I don't wish that on ANYONE!
Gall stones can absolutely contribute to jaundice.
And I'm glad you laugh at my misery. If it's any consolation, I have a stabbing pain in my lower left abdomen now, and have to make a Dr appt for it. You better hope it's nothing serious like a ruptured ureter.
Obstructed, yes. Too long and almost tied itself in a knot, yes. Ruptured, never! ;-)
Just wait until Monday. I'm going to give you all the gruesome details of my trip to the rheumatologist. I will be a pain in the ass.
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