Well, I'm here. Not entirely of my own desire, but hey. LOL
I've been busy. I'm not exactly sure what I've been busy doing, but I haven't seemed to have much time.
Stephen was just home for a week. We took the boys to Galaxyland in West Edmonton Mall and rode the new coaster with Nathan. Between Stephen and me, Nathan rode it 6 times. He LOVED it. Stephen and I are getting old so we could only ride it once each then we needed a rest. Our stomachs were turning just a little.
I finally got my memorial tattoo done. It's still pretty raw so I'll take photos after it's all healed up. Curt only took about 2.5 hours to do it and charged me less than $300. I'm very happy with it.
I finally got a letter letting me know the when and where for my MRI. November 24th Hopefully this means I'll have an idea of what is wrong with me by Christmas. I know that the MRI isn't going to tell me everything...being a few sandwiches short of a picnic isn't going to show up on the MRI. Neither is the Bitch gene. I have high hopes though.
The boys are both sick. Nathan caught something on his first bloody day at school and now Nicholas is infected too. Nathan had a massive asthma attack one night that finally subsided a little when he finally let me give him his Ventolin. Nicholas woke up this morning with a similar attack. He at least lets me give him his meds. Of course I'm that much bigger than he is and he doesn't have much of a choice. LOL
If this is the way we're starting out the fall season, I dread what winter will bring. I hope because the boys have asthma diagnoses and they're on a treatment action plan, we'll have a less illness infused winter than the last one. Having said that, I'm sure I've jinxed myself and the boys will find some rare malady to come down with. It just keeps me on my toes I guess. Ha Ha!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
There's my Christine!!!
I need to see pictutres of the tattoo now, yes please :D
The littlest booger has croup. Nice! Fall has just begun and so has my torture! LOL
CROUP SUCKS!!! That cough...*gack* its so awful.
Try leave his window open at night. The cool air helps.
Mind you..he has asthma to so the cool air might agrivate that...??
Perhaps steaming him is better?!
You poor dear!!
I hate upper respitory issues. And like your boys, Lijie suffers with them alot.
Chin up my little poo-poo!!
One day you will look back on this and it will allll be but a memory. :)
Yes, but will I be able to laugh about it? LOL
The coughing is still pretty bad a night. No one slept well for 3 or 4 nights but Nic stayed in his own bed last night so maybe, hopefully, he getting better. I'm not going to count on it though. LOL
Kids always get some damn thing or another but the good news about that is it builds up their immune system. We were always told we had to eat a pound of dirt a year to stay healthy.
Well I ate my pound of dirt every year and now I'm falling apart. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant to be taken literally. I wondered why all the other kids weren't out in the garden scooping up dirt with a spoon and washing it down with the hose.
Hey Christine...what do you use for that nasty gross cough??
Regular use of the inhalers and a kids version of Tylenol 3 with codeine. Codeine is supposed to be really good for coughs. An ER doctor prescribed it last year when Nic was so sick for so long. No one was sleeping.
I don't give the codeine very often. I've only given it once in the space of a month; when things were REALLY bad.
I do the exact same thing for Lijie when he has that awful "croupy/asthma" cough. Ventolin and a cough syrup with codiene. Its the ONLY thing that works!!!
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