Nicholas has been having a hard day.
He woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it has taken him over 3 hours to get happy. He actually went to bed earlier than usual and slept all night so I don't know what his issue was.
After I had gotten him up, I changed his bum and got him dressed. I asked him if he wanted to watch kid shows with Nathan or come into my room as I was getting dressed. He chose to come with me. I sat him down on my bed and all heck broke loose. He started whining and crying and yelling at me to pick him up because his feet hurt. This is a rather common complaint of his and I don't know what is causing it.
I continued getting dressed and talking to him. I told him that I just needed to get dressed and that I'd pick him up after I was dressed. WRONG answer Mommy! His hysterics went from bad to worse. Because there was no reason for this, I warned him to settle down or he was going back into his room. He continued the ranting so I picked him up and took him to his room. I just barely got out of his room and back into mine when I hear his little preschooler voice, "Stupid F***ing Mommy!"
Needless to say, I was stunned. I went into his room and gave him a smack on the diapered tushie. I turned him to face me and said that he is NOT allowed to talk to me like that. He can be angry but he cannot say bad things.
Nicholas continued his feet hurt hysterics while dropping Nathan off at school and at WalMart. He likes to THINK that he is in charge. Unless he's being loud or disrespectful, I just laugh at him. Little boys being demanding is one thing (I want this, I want that) but screaming and temper tantrums and name calling are not acceptable.
Our final stop this morning was Blockbuster. Nicholas was still doing the feet dragging and demanding to be picked up. He also caught sight of the Shrek toys and candies so he started demanding those. I told him flat out that no he wasn't going to get the toys and candies because of his behaviour. He hadn't EARNED any rewards today. He was pretty mad by that point.
After I paid for the rentals and started to walk out, he followed me yelling because I wouldn't buy him a gumball from the machine. I got to the van and helped him in as he said, "If you don't get me a candy, I'm going to call you a bad name, Mommy."
What could I do? I cracked up laughing and said, "Thanks for the warning, sweetie." The lady getting into the next car heard this little exchange and started laughing too.
Do you think he learned from this morning's little swearing incident? Is that why he thought to give me notice about his need to voice his frustration? I don't know...Ever since he turned 3, he's been more lippy and demanding. I thought 2 was the bad year, 3 looks even worse. BLAH! LOL
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago