It has finally happened to Nicholas...He has had to have a foreign object removed from his nose. Somehow, a Fruit Loop found its way into Nic's right nostril. LOL Thank goodness I was able to do the extraction myself with a little help from Nathan. It was in there pretty far too. I think he had pushed it in further as he tried to pick it out. Poor kid! LOL Tweezers and a mini flashlight were involved in the process.
Both the boys are coming up with VERY creative ways that the Fruit Loop could have gotten in the nostril. Nathan's explanation involves the Fruit Loop being balanced on Nic's nose and Nic lifting his face and the cereal ROLLING into the nostril. Nicholas's version is that it SHOT in there when he sneezed. He sneezed and the Fruit Loop flew out (from where I don't know), bounced off the chair and went into his nose.
Nathan did something similar a few years back. I have removed Tic Tacs and a wad of gum from in his nose. Again, a pair of tweezers and a mini flashlight came in handy.
What is it with kids and shoving food or toys in open orifices? I don't remember doing anything like that. Maybe it's a boys thing.
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
I gave one of those foamy puzzles to one of the kids i nannied for when she was about 3, She managed to stuff the entire candy cane piece up her nose. 3 weeks later she was sick, feverish, sniffling, and smelled like she was rotten. Lo and behold....
The only saving grace is that eventually they outgrow the stuffing-things-in-the-nose phase. Just in time to grow into the piercing the nose phase....
I have no problem with the boys piercing their noses but Mommy's got to get her nose pierced first. LOL
I might as well go all out in my angry rock/punk chick look. HaHaHaHaHa!
Oh dear, and I don't think it is a boy thing as we have extracted raisins, and yes...when I was a little girl I folded up a Trident gum wrapper and shoved it in my nose. It stayed in there for months as I would not tell my parents. One day, I thankfully sneezed it out lol!
Glad he is OK! Good work Mom!
LOL A few years ago I had to extract a nickle from my old roommates 15 year old brothers nose. I actually still have a photo of it LOL. Hopefully your boys outgrow this habit a little earlier.
*knock on wood* This is ONE thing I haven't had to do yet. But now that Ive said it..Im probably going to have to....
Its not just a boy thing...all my sisters, including myself have shoved things up our noses. Paper, rolled up tape, whole cloves..and a pea.
Disturbing isn't it?
I THINK Nathan has out grown it. He hasn't done it since before Nicholas was born. Nicholas on the other hand...who knows, maybe his big brother "helped" him put a Fruit Loop up his nose. LOL
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