We're still playing the waiting game and dancing with the GI specialist for Nicholas.
The past couple of days he's been clear of blood in his poops but he doesn't look like he's processing his food very well right now. His iron levels are low so he's on iron supplements. He's complaining more often that his belly hurts but he's not writhing in pain each night yet. I really hope it doesn't get that far again. His chief complaint lately is that his feet hurt. He usually says this when he's tired and doesn't want to walk anymore. He gets tired a lot.
The nurse for the GI specialist is really very nice but she's essentially the middle man/woman. I tell her the symptoms and situation, she tells the Doctor, he writes a note and she calls me to let me know what's happening. At this point, I'm almost ready to camp out on the clinic's doorstep. I know that Stephen is. I don't care that he's had a couple of decent days, I want to know why he keeps "relapsing" and bleeding into his gut. I'm waiting for the nurse's phone call about an appointment; hopefully they'll fit him in next week.
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
Being just down the road from you east, I would go to the Mis instead of the Stony hospital. No comparison. Good luck
For most of the stuff concerning the monsters, we get sent to the Stollery. I swear they have binders of files on my 2 boys. LOL
Stony only gets my business if it is something easy like a Ventolin nebulizer or chest x-rays. LOL
Sorry to hear your boy is still having troubles. When you mention "clinic" I wondered if he gets different doctors everytime he goes in. That's the way it is here. You never know who you're going to get although they all have access to your file. Around here it's best to have one family doctor. They seem to get more involved.
That was just me repeating myself.
The clinic I referred to is the clinic that the GI specialist runs each week. Essentially, his office hours. For this issue, we only see him.
The boys have a regular pediatrician and individual specialists in asthma/allergies, surgeon (for a benign tumor on Nathan's arm), and a urologist (for Nicholas's kidney & bladder problems).
The only time we switch up doctors is when we have to run into the ER. Although, we're getting known at the children's ER. Most of the nurses and doctors recognize us and know that I only come in when it is needed. I don't run to the doctor for every sniffle and sneeze.
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