Nathan finally lost his first tooth. He wasn't playing with the wiggly tooth as much as I thought he would so it took 2 weeks for it to come out. I think he finally got tired of me asking about it so he pushed it out with his tongue.
He left a nice crater behind and the new tooth is breaking through the gums. He's a little worried because it's coming in further back than his other teeth. I've tried to reassure him that as he grows, his mouth will grow and the tooth will move forward into a larger opening. Either that or he'll be a tin grin like I was. LOL His worry is that it will grow too big and cut through is tongue and roof of the mouth. Interesting image, eh?
As for Nicholas, we finally got in to see the GI specialist. He has scheduled Nic for a gastroscopy on Dec 17th. He'll put a scope down Nic's throat to see if he can see what is bleeding and what can be done to fix the problem. The scope will only take a look from the mouth to just below the stomach. It is most likely that this is where the bleeding is coming from because it is old blood that he is passing.
We could have a barium swallow done and have the x-rays to take a look at the rest of the small intestine but it would be fairly high radiation for him. We could also have him scoped from the bottom up but that would be more to reassure me that there isn't a tumor in the colon. It is so VERY unlikely to be a colon tumor or have anything to do with the lower small intestine and large intestine.
He is not at Death's door so we're starting "small" and we'll progress as we see the need.
I have the feeling that the doctor is doing this more to shut me up than because he sees the need for it. Although I hate having to put Nic under anesthetic, we need to know what is bleeding and why. Once we know that, we can figure out a way to fix it.
I'm worried because of what I don't know right now. I'm going to feel like a complete moron and worry wart if they find nothing. On the flip side, I don't want to be the parent that is forced to face a serious illness in her child that could have been fixed easily if only it had been caught earlier.
I'll take any and all positive vibes on this one, my friends.
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
Would those be positive vibes Hope? We're gonna need them. LOL
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