I'm almost 14 weeks pregnant and I'm still feeling pretty good. No nausea (Sorry Erin and Dani, I know the 2 of you found my nausea and have suffered on my behalf.) and only minor symptoms otherwise.
I'm finally feeling my energy coming back so I'm less likely to need an afternoon nap. I still want to go to bed earlier but I'm growing out of my naps. LOL
Speaking of naps, Nicholas is now night trained too. OK, follow me here, naps = sleeping = nighttime sleep = night trained 3 year old. Nicholas has obviously been watching his big brother and has decided that he wants to be a big boy too and wear underwear to bed at night. He's done really well too; no accidents in 2 weeks. Having said that, he'll probably have an accident tonight. LOL Murphy's Law!
Nicholas is also trying to get the whole Dab Dab and wiping his butt by himself thing done. He wants to go to school like his big brother and he can't go until he can use the toilet by himself and put his undies and pants on again by himself. He's starting to head to the toilet, after informing me, then shutting the door in my face to go pee by himself. He still calls me in to dry him off and wipe his heinie. Good thing he's cute or I wouldn't put up with this crap! (Yes, pun intended!)
Nathan will be assessed by the school district psychologist on March 5th. Sometime in the 3 weeks following that assessment, the psychologist, the teacher, Stephen and I will meet to de-brief and come up with a plan to help Nathan succeed. I dread that appointment as much as I welcome it.
Nathan has been getting really favourable reports from the teacher lately. She has let me know that he's doing more complex patterns than she anticipated and he's really trying hard in copying his words from the board. Nathan was pretty happy; his work got a coveted tiger stamp put on it and the teacher tiger growled at him when she handed it back. His face lights up when he tells me that.
Stephen took me to a work social thing last weekend. We had a small dinner and went 10 pin bowling. My poor arm and shoulder are giving me grief now because I'm not used to that type of motion anymore. Either that or I'm just getting old...I'll be 34 in May. LOL Please don't hurt me if you are older than that...I'm just trying to torture you. LOL
And on the age topic, today is my Dad's 60th birthday. Welcome to Seniorsville! LOL The man still works full-time, Monday through Friday with mentally handicapped adults. He can't be THAT old if he can still handle those challenges. Remember, he went back to school in his mid to late 50s and got a certificate? diploma? to be a Community Support Worker. He has worked exclusively with challenged adults since he graduated. I'm pretty proud of the old guy...maybe he doesn't need to be put down just yet. LOL Love you Dad and Happy Birthday!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago