When I was in to have my blood pressure checked by my doctor, I asked what the results of my second rheumatoid arthritis test was. The results were normal. I do NOT have arthritis.
Having ruled out arthritis, lupus, MS, brain tumours, and anything dietary, it appears I have fibromyalgia. Granted, I am functional as I am at this moment. Being pregnant makes seeking treatment almost impossible so I'll wait and see what happens after the baby is born and after I've done my breastfeeding "thing" for a year. I'll have to see what my body does at that point and decide what I want to do.
I have a name for why my (almost) 34 year old body is acting like an 80 year old's. LOL
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
Ain't it grand when your body decides it doesn't agree with you calendar? My FRICKIN' OVARY is killing me this month. Can't we just be done with this ^%$^$% already?!?! Do we get trade-ins?
Sorry, no trade ins on most parts and accessories. Most of it is custom ordered so no refunds either. LOL
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