I had my 12 week prenatal appointment this morning. Oh what FUN! Not really!
I met with the nurse first and did my medical history, labour and delivery history, immediate family history...all the fun details. She did my height and weight and took my blood pressure. low 140s over 84. Little high-ish but nothing too concerning at the moment.
I met with the doctor and she did all her gory stuff. She handed me 2 requisitions for blood work and one for an ultrasound (to be done around 18 weeks, first week of April). I visited the vampires at the hospital to have 4 vials taken. It just so happened that I had been fasting (ran out of time so didn't eat breakfast) so I did the 8Hr fasting glucose test. Whoopie! I didn't have to go back later! Little victories, you know. LOL
We did hear the heartbeat but the little begger wouldn't stop moving so we couldn't get a count on it. We'd hear it then it would move. Whatever it is, it is already a trouble maker.
I should hear from my doctor's office or the OB's office late this week or early next week. Should be interesting.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
You keep calling the babies, "It." Twins have a difficult enough time struggling for their own identities...
Glad you got your fasting test out of the way - woot woot! Small victories indeed...
Isn't it good to have that appointment out of the way... good to hear everything is going semi smoothly, now let's keep that blood pressure down.
Hehe a trouble maker just like Mommy eh?
Hope~You are EVIL! We can only find one heartbeat so unless they are perfectly in sync, I don't think there are twins in there. Either that or they are conjoined and share one heart.
My Aunt and her hubby adopted a set of twins as infants and I saw some of their struggles for independence. What was good for them was that they were so different in personality and interests. They are best friends though.
Erin~I'm thrilled to have that done and over with. Just because it seems so long, so much information to share, gory tests, etc.
I can't wait for the ultrasound. That's my next big thing. I wanna see the little alien. LOL
Tanya~I'm crushed that you think I'm a trouble maker. What made you think that of me? I'm so hurt. NOT! LOL
I'm only a little bit of a trouble maker and NEVER a Diva. OK, maybe a little bit of a Diva. LOL
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