Yes, I know...I've been SUCH a slacker! LOL I'm not keeping my multitude of fans updated on the mundanity of my life. LOL
In ANY case, I'm doing not too badly overall. I am 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. So far I have had little to no nausea with this pregnancy. I've had some minor difficulties like a week long bout of carpel tunnel syndrome where I couldn't move my right hand without wincing in agony and some minor low back and joint pain, but they're not really bothering me too much right now. Sure, I'm tired, very VERY tired, but that's been the worst of it over the long term. Other than that, I just feel kind of PMS-like. So, I guess I'm getting off pretty easy for the early part of this pregnancy.
Nathan still wants a girl and Nicholas still wants a boy. Nicholas wants to name the baby Tarzan. Yeah, I can see THAT happening. LOL
All of my weight gain so far has been in the bust. Go figure! LOL Stephen's getting a kick out of the larger bust. It's almost getting perky...Yeah, WHATEVER! All I can say is, Thank God for supportive bras! I think I'll get to reuse mine as bassinets or hammocks for a set of twins. LOL
I'll be heading back to see my regular doctor in 2 weeks so that we can fill out the reams of paperwork required to refer me to an OB. I hope I'll be able to hear the heartbeat soon. It doesn't seem really real until I hear the heartbeat and see the little alien twitching around on the ultrasound.
There has been a request (or 2) that when and if I find out if the baby is a boy or a girl, I not tell publicly. I want to know what it is but it will just be my luck that the baby will be shy and not show its "goods". I have planning to do, doesn't he/she/it realize that?
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
Glad to see you posting Missy!! We miss you when you don't post, you know me and my other personalities.... :p
I'm on team girl but whatever you have I will be happy for you.
you forgot 'they'.... ~snicker~
And you are damn glowing girl !
Hope, you are EVIL! LOL
I think I'd be insanely ill if there was more than one little alien in there. I've been feeling so good so far...Now I've probably jinxed myself.
Tammy ~ Thank you.
To me I still just look overweight. I can't wait until I actually look pregnant. Of course by May (6 months along) I'm sure I'll resemble a beached whale and I'll be cursing this pregnancy.
At least it will be nicer weather so any pictures taken will be in the most flattering of natural light. LOL
Tanya~Of course after having 2 boys I'd be over the moon with having a girl but as always, healthy is the first priority.
Because everything has been so different so far, I can use my wishful thinking and hope it is a girl. We'll have to see what is seen on the ultrasound. I have no patience so I hate the idea that it will probably be another 10 weeks until I have one. Poopie! LOL
what's wrong with's a good strong name...kinda like Thor!!!!!
You're not buying it are you?
Yeah, it's a strong name but when they start comparing me to Kala and Stephen to Kurchak...Not so funny.
Although, gruff, beats his chest to show dominance, protector of the family...yeah that could describe Stephen. LOL (Love you honey!)
I wasnt sick ***snicker****
Sure Carol...blow my theory all to heck! LOL
So, slacker. You're slacking again. Just sayin's all.
PFFFT! Take off, eh! Ya HOSER! LOL
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