I've been accused of being a slacker again and it has only been about 2 weeks since my last report. In those 2 weeks, I've been a little preoccupied...
Some of you may remember WAY back in August/September of last year that Nicholas started having severe belly pains then started vomiting. It took 3 weeks to manifest itself totally but eventually, he turned yellow, his liver was enlarged, his liver enzymes were through the roof and he was pooping old black blood. Well, 2 weeks ago, he started with the belly pain again. It quickly turned to vomiting. A lot and very frequently. By a week and a half, he was turning yellow.
I had been in at the local hospital for Gravol and/or pain relief for him but they didn't do much. They referred us back to the pediatrician but one did listen and did blood tests. Those tests indicated that Nic's liver enzymes were elevating.
Last Saturday, I took him into the Stollery Peds ER and they did more tests. His levels were even higher and he was yellow by this point. They supposedly sent in a referral to see a GI specialist but I've called the specialist myself now and they have no record of the referral. However, after telling the nurse the situation, she said to call the booking office, and get Nicholas an appointment ASAP as per Andrea. I called this morning and we have an appointment for Thursday (tomorrow).
Nic is doing better now though. He was retested on Monday and his liver enzymes are all back to normal. He is not in any crisis at the moment but I want some answers. Last August/September this happened and it took 3 weeks to manifest and 3 weeks to come down to normal again. This time, it happened the same way but at double time; only a week and a half to manifest itself.
Last year I accepted the doctors's response of, "It was probably a virus. It has run it's course. It happened, it's over and he'll be fine. We don't know WHY it happened, it just did." I didn't LIKE it but I accepted the non-answer...This time I won't. There has to be a reason for this to happen a second time.
In the mean time, Nic's pediatrician has ordered an ultrasound to take a look at Nic's liver and some more blood tests. I found out last summer that there is a family history of an abnormality in either the 13th or 14th chromosome. If it is the 13th chromosome, he might have or at least be a carrier of something called Wilson's Disease. The pediatrician said it was a long shot but worth looking into because of the family history of an abnormality.
So, that is why I haven't been very talkative in people's blogs nor writing much in mine. I've been reading, but I haven't been commenting. Hopefully I'll be more social soon. Catch up with everyone later.
12 hours ago
Glad for the update, Christine. I just like keeping tabs on ya.
I have some time coming up in the next couple of weeks - wanna make a date fer the zoo???
Next week is shot for me but I'm good for the rest of the time, usually. LOL
Nathan is on spring break starting Good Friday until March 30th. He goes to school Mon, Wed, and every second Fri. Those days I'll be a little limited because SOMEONE has to pick him up. LOL
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