Last week Nicholas had his liver ultrasound. The tech seemed to be measuring a lot of little things but I couldn't tell what any of it was. For all I know, she was measuring the veins, valves, etc in and around the liver.
Today the pediatrician saw us to discuss the ultrasound results. There wasn't a lot indicated but there appears to be some small gall stones in Nic's gallbladder. Strange! Still, the way Nic developed his symptoms is not consistent with gall stones. For Nic to be so sick and so jaundiced, it would have taken a large stone to block the bile duct and he only has little ones.
Any ways, we're still not any further ahead with a diagnosis but I think we may be getting there...eventually.
Nic has to see a Peds GI doctor on April 10th. The original Peds GI doc is good but apparently this other one is THE ONE to see for liver problems. Maybe she'll have more news for me by then. A liver biopsy is still a distinct possibility in our future.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
Fingers are crossed for you !
Oy never a dull moment for you, hopefully you will have some answers soon!
Get his gizzard yanked. No human, let alone a child, should ever have to endure that kind of pain... lol
Actually, millions of people have gall stones and just never develop a problem with them.
But if they're going in for a liver biopsy anyways... lol (Kidding)
Yeah Hope but the biopsy is done with a huge ass needle, not an incision. LOL
I know that many people only showed a couple gall stones on the ultrasound but when the docs went in to yank it, the gall bladder or the ducts were jam packed.
His big pain complaint was around his belly button. He also complains a lot that his feet hurt. I don't know what the connection may be there. LOL
Tammy, I need all the positive vibes we can get at the moment.
He seems fine between attacks but when he's in the attack...Holy CrapperDoodles!
Tanya, it just wouldn't be my family without some sort of drama. LOL
Hang in there all of you!
I had mine yanked and that was the best thing that ever happened to me!
I hope he keeps his for A LONG TIME though!
I had the BIG ASS NEEDLE in my knee when I was 11. Without exaggerating, BIG ASS NEEDLE was an understatement. I know the needle.
I was old enough to remember it. Pray that this gets mostly sorted out before he remembers most of it.
I know I make jokes and am a smartass, but YOU know that I am there with you in heart, soul, and spirit. I ache for the trial you've been through and look forward to hearing an end to it.
Much love,
Oh I SO know that you are here for me Hope. Yes you're a wise ass but I wouldn't have you any other way.
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