I had hoped to get out to BC to see my Dad and help celebrate his 60th birthday. I got the chance a couple weekends ago. I used my AirMiles and flew in under the cover of secrecy. I'd plotted with his girlfriend Karen, his friend Robin and a couple of guests for a surprise lunch party.
It didn't quite go according to plan but it was still a good visit. Dad almost didn't come out for the lunch because he hurt his foot and could barely walk. Karen had to finally spill the beans to get him out of the house. Some of the guests weren't able to attend because of previous plans and because of a medical emergency involving a member of the church.
I was supposed to meet up with some online Mommy friends on the Monday but they all ended up sick or their kids were sick. Unfortunately, we missed out on a lunch but some things can't be helped. I ended up hanging out with my Dad, yapping about everything and nothing. LOL
We had a lovely dinner with Karen and her Mom at Karen's condo in Harrison. Good visit, good company, they had good wine. LOL
I flew home on the Tuesday to a very happy hubby and two little munchkin boys. They survived ok without me...guess I can make this a habit, flying out and leaving them to their own devices. LOL Not likely!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
That is awesome !!!
Too bad you didn't get to see the moms, that happened to me too. So sad !!
Glad you had a good time though !
I didn't even know there was a mommy meeting to be missed lol
Yeah, I was supposed to meet up with Cathy, Carol and Twila at Cathy's place but everyone had a few sickies in their houses. They didn't want to share the germs. Gotta say I appreciated that. LOL
I was bummed out but it couldn't be helped. It's not like they PURPOSELY avoided me. LOL
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