Friday, February 15, 2008

Stephen plays dirty

Stephen and I couldn't decide what we were going to do for Valentine's Day. I just figured we'd exchange cards, try to be nice to each other, whatever right? Well he went and surprised me with a pendent. It has one white gold and one rose gold heart with a diamond on a white gold chain.

You could have pushed me over with a feather. I really did not expect this. It's very pretty. Now I feel guilty because I didn't get him anything except a card. Bad Wifey! lol


Tanya said...

Aww how very sweet. Make him his favorite dinner and dessert, I am sure that will make up for it.

Hope Walls said...

The bass-turd!!!

I look at it this way - he probably figures if he got you this for Valentine's he's off the hook for Easter or your anniversary or something...

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

Ah, I thought about it and I tend to get the raw end of the deal with most things so I deserve a "treat". LOL

Dani said...

LOL! Atta Girl!!! :)

Praying_mantis said...

Dont feel husband bought me a ring. All I got him was a card. I felt justified once I realized that he probably only did it because he expected sex later on!