Still not a lot of news on the baby front. I still feel pretty good most of the time. Tired, but functional.
I'm having weird cravings off and on. It's all by the power of suggestion too. I see a commercial or billboard and I HAVE to have it. Last night it was stuffing...I was fully prepared to make a box of Stove Top stuffing and eat it all. I still might because I'm still craving it.
I have my first ultrasound on April 1st so I'm getting very excited about it. I hope that he/she/it/they show the goods and is/are growing healthy.
My first appointment with the OB is April 14th so I'll get all the gory details then.
Less than 3 weeks from the half way mark, only 22 and a half weeks left until baby time. LOL
Barbie Hurl
18 hours ago
So you're going to get this one sexed? Will you tell US?
I want to know what it is. I will probably tell somewhere but I can't say it here because my Dad reads here occasionally and he doesn't want to know.
I have plans to make...I NEED to know. LOL
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