Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A change to the ordinary

I've got a few different things to write about so I'll be doing a couple of posts. This is the least important one but still a change from the ordinary. LOL

As I was driving home from Nic's pediatrician appointment, I saw a very dark, African American man walking north in the middle of 124th Street, just north of 111 Avenue, completely STARKERS! NAKED!

I called the police but they'd already been made aware of this man. There were several vehicles that had pulled over and were watching the guy, waiting for the police, making sure he didn't get hurt, so I just kept driving.

Like I said, a BIG change from my ordinary life. LOL


Smiley Eyes Photography said...

OH my!!!

Tanya said...

ROFLMAO! Oh dear that must have been quite the sight to see.

Hope Walls said...

And you didn't take a PICTURE? Sheesh, woman.

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

I had the boys with me so I didn't want to stop in the middle of the road to stare. Well, I WANTED to but I didn't. LOL

The only photo I could have taken was with my phone and that wouldn't have been really good quality.

Plus it was kind of chilly out there so it probably wouldn't have depicted him very well. LOL

He was walking north and I was driving in the same direction. The best view I got was of his back side. I did try to sneak a look in the side mirror but I had to keep my eyes on the road too.

Tanya said...

LOL we wouldn't want to get a picture depicting the crazy man badly. Did the boys notice him to? If so how did you explain it?

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

Nah, the boys were completely oblivious. LOL

If they had, I just would have told them that the man had a sickness in the head and didn't know better.