Friday, March 14, 2008

The saga continues

We saw the GI guy yesterday. He was pretty thorough because he's as flummoxed as we are about why this has happened again.

He had to do a rectal exam because when Nic pushes, something pink and fleshy pokes out. He might have a small bowel prolapse or a polyp or even a hemorrhoid but that is unlikely as little kids don't normally have hemorrhoids. You'd think that Nic would have put up a BIG fight but he was too busy making Goo Goo eyes at the 4th year med student that was working with the GI specialists. Nic told us all the way home that he missed the girl doctor. What a kid, eh? Must take after his grandfather. LOL

Nic had another mountain of blood tests to have run. He ordered a full liver panel (Well DUH!), some nephrology (kidney) tests, a thyroid test, some Vitamin tests, some for amino acids and heaven only knows what else. The vampires at the lab took 8 vials from the little monster. On top of the blood tests, he had to pee in a cup and now I have to get poo samples again. I have to limit his diet for 3 days then for another 3 days as I get the samples. We did this last year and it totally sucks. Especially because he's not in diapers anymore and I have to collect it in a bowl before it hits the toilet water. EWWWWW!

Now, depending on what the ultrasound next week and this latest set of blood tests indicate, we may need to do a liver biopsy. Nic will have to be sedated then with an ultrasound guiding them, they'll stick a HUGE freaking needle into his liver to suck up a sample. Because the liver is so vascular, Nic will be held overnight for observation so he doesn't bleed out. That will be fun as I'll be the size of a house with this pregnancy. How am I supposed to sleep on those piddly "captain's beds" they have on the kid's wards? Its like camping out on a foamy on a mountain ledge. Maybe I'll just cuddle Nic in his bed and sleep with him. LOL More cushions. LOL

So folks, please keep my little tank in your thoughts and keep the good wishes coming. We need answers of some sort or another. Even if it's not the greatest of news, it's an answer and we can start treating him.


Anonymous said...

Hi Christine. Wanted to check in with you and I see I am very far behind in reading your posts. I'll be back later to get caught up. Blog ya later.

Smiley Eyes Photography said...

Oh honey !

I am so sorry this is happening to you ! (((hugs))

Hope Walls said...

Man, oh man. Just think how much easier it'll be sleeping on that captain's bed with just you and your belly - after the twins arrive it'd be WAY harder... lol

And you never did answer me on a zoo date...

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

Actually Hope, I DID respond in the comments from my I'm not a slacker, just preoccupied post. LOL This week is shot to heck and Nathan will be on spring break next week.

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

Babzy, good to see you around. I look forward to your insights.

Tammy baby! I'm stressed but nothing I can't handle at the moment.

I still need positive vibes for Nic but we're carrying on.

Hope Walls said...

So like, what about this coming weekend? Zoo date, or what? I'm thinking the 30th?

Christine/ArmyBrat said...

Hope~Sounds good...What time? It'll be my whole freaking clan.

I could use some of your insights; You'll understand when I blog the latest on Nicholas. SHEESH!