Thursday, December 20, 2007

I need to cross the border

I saw my el doctoro this morning to discuss my latest round of tests to try and figure out why my body acts like the body of a woman twice my age.

Apparently, one of my blood tests came back borderline for rheumatoid arthritis. A negative result is under 20 and my level was right at 20. There was another test run at some recent point that also gives an indication of RA and that was negative.

So, I left the office with a requisition to re-test my RA factor in mid to late January.

The saga continues...MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nic's Gastroscopy

I took Nicholas in for his gastroscopy on Dec 17th. Like the last 2 times he's been in for surgery, they took his vitals, had me put him in jail striped pjs (the blue ones are sized for a 6 year old and Nic is almost too big for the shirt. LOL He's a MOOSE!) The nurse put the EMLA cream on the back of both his hands and covered them with the plastic bandages (Tegaderm, I think is what they are called) and send us back out to the playroom/waiting room to wait for his name to be called.

As usual, the day ward was running late and Nic was taking in almost an hour after he was scheduled to be taken in. I held him while they poked his hand for the saline block/IV port and as they pushed the sleepy meds. I don't care how "prepared" you are for it, when your child goes dead limp in your arms and their eyes roll back in their heads, it is DISTURBING. I held it together though because I knew that this one was a minor thing.

About an hour later, the nurses called me into the recovery area and I sat with Nic until he woke up. He was nicely sleeping and would NOT wake up. He was happy to be off in Dreamland. However, when he finally decided to grace us with is consciousness, he was up and ready to roll. He quickly polished off a glass of apple juice and slowly savoured an orange Popsicle. The nurse told us to get him up and walking so we did 3 circuits of the recovery area and then they released him.

All in all, he came through it like a pro. According to the doctor, his upper GI (esophagus, stomach and duodenum) is healthy and pristine. He couldn't find the source of all the bleeding that has been happening on and off since August. Nicholas isn't bleeding right now so I'm going to leave it alone to see if it starts up again. If it does, the doctor will order a colonoscopy or a swallowed capsule that will take pictures all the way through the digestive tract. Neither one seems like a fun time for a 3 year old. At least I know that they'd knock him out for the colonoscopy. The prep for that is horrible and being semi-conscious for it isn't a picnic either.

Go ahead, ask me how I know. LOL

Monday, December 10, 2007


What am I going to do with this kid?

We got his report card at the end of November and the parent/teacher meeting the following week. Considering this is Nathan's second year in kindergarten, I was expecting a pretty good report...I was wrong.

Out of the 20 letter sounds they had studied (by the time of the meeting), Nathan could only identify 8. When he gets instructions, he looks like he's listening, he seems to be comprehending but when he goes off to do what he's been told to do, he blanks out. If you lead him with one instruction at a time, he can do it but 2 or more instructions and he loses it.

The teacher is checking into what Nathan has been assessed for with his hearing. Was he assessed only for word sounds and simple hearing or did they also assess for retention. Nathan's teacher isn't sure if it is the fact that the instructions are in French or if there is a misfire, missed connection that is the problem.

We are trying an experiment with Nathan. Because his teacher is also the English kindergarten teacher, she offered to let Nathan come in on the English days to see if he starts to "get it" or not. He'll continue in the French class as well so he'll be going every day rather than 2 or 3 days a week. This would at least show us if it is the French that is the problem or if there is something else happening. Maybe he's just not cut out for French Immersion. We'll have to see. This is his second week of trying the English class as well as the French class.

Nathan is also getting over a bad cough. He still coughs some but he's well on his way to healthy. Or as close to healthy as he can get. LOL He's not exactly known for being "normal". LOL Takes after his Mother.


Nicholas goes in next Monday for his gastroscopy. He had his pre-op blood tests today. He's doing better when it comes to the "pokies" but he's still not very happy about them.

He's got a really nasty cough right now. I'm hitting him hard with the inhalers and whatever else I can find (without double dosing) to make him better before next week.

As per usual, he has to get really bad before he gets better. He has hit the stage of coughing until he vomits and now I'm hoping the worst is over and he's on the road to recovery.

Well, I know what it ISN'T

I have FINALLY had my MRI done. The results are in and I do NOT have MS. Yeah me! LOL So, we've been able to rule out anything wrong in the brain (MS, stroke, tumour) and anything dietary (diabetes, cholesterol, vitamin/mineral deficiencies) so what does that leave me with?

I saw my doctor again today to discuss this and she sent me for blood tests. She's attempting to rule out lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. When those are rule out, I get left with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Hopefully the results will come soon.

So basically, I'm pushing the doctor to listen to me and to hear that I'm having troubles and I'm pushing for an explaination. I'm not sure where this will get me in the long run but putting a name to this will be one step in the right direction.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nic's Bad Morning

Nicholas has been having a hard day.

He woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it has taken him over 3 hours to get happy. He actually went to bed earlier than usual and slept all night so I don't know what his issue was.

After I had gotten him up, I changed his bum and got him dressed. I asked him if he wanted to watch kid shows with Nathan or come into my room as I was getting dressed. He chose to come with me. I sat him down on my bed and all heck broke loose. He started whining and crying and yelling at me to pick him up because his feet hurt. This is a rather common complaint of his and I don't know what is causing it.

I continued getting dressed and talking to him. I told him that I just needed to get dressed and that I'd pick him up after I was dressed. WRONG answer Mommy! His hysterics went from bad to worse. Because there was no reason for this, I warned him to settle down or he was going back into his room. He continued the ranting so I picked him up and took him to his room. I just barely got out of his room and back into mine when I hear his little preschooler voice, "Stupid F***ing Mommy!"

Needless to say, I was stunned. I went into his room and gave him a smack on the diapered tushie. I turned him to face me and said that he is NOT allowed to talk to me like that. He can be angry but he cannot say bad things.

Nicholas continued his feet hurt hysterics while dropping Nathan off at school and at WalMart. He likes to THINK that he is in charge. Unless he's being loud or disrespectful, I just laugh at him. Little boys being demanding is one thing (I want this, I want that) but screaming and temper tantrums and name calling are not acceptable.

Our final stop this morning was Blockbuster. Nicholas was still doing the feet dragging and demanding to be picked up. He also caught sight of the Shrek toys and candies so he started demanding those. I told him flat out that no he wasn't going to get the toys and candies because of his behaviour. He hadn't EARNED any rewards today. He was pretty mad by that point.

After I paid for the rentals and started to walk out, he followed me yelling because I wouldn't buy him a gumball from the machine. I got to the van and helped him in as he said, "If you don't get me a candy, I'm going to call you a bad name, Mommy."

What could I do? I cracked up laughing and said, "Thanks for the warning, sweetie." The lady getting into the next car heard this little exchange and started laughing too.

Do you think he learned from this morning's little swearing incident? Is that why he thought to give me notice about his need to voice his frustration? I don't know...Ever since he turned 3, he's been more lippy and demanding. I thought 2 was the bad year, 3 looks even worse. BLAH! LOL

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Red Butted Baboon

My poor littlest monkey has a VERY sore tushie!

With all that he's been through lately, acid poops are not helping. His little tushie is so red and inflamed, that even putting cream on it causes fits of screaming and tears. He's so sore that after a diaper change and cream application, he can't walk. When I make him stand, he stands like he's just gotten off a horse; bowlegged. He'll try to walk a couple of steps but ends up just waddling bowlegged. He absolutely SHAKES from the pain. I'd get video tape of it if I didn't feel so bad for him.

I've tried Li'l Goat's diaper cream and now I'm trying Palmer's Bottom Butter.

He looks a little better today but he's still pretty sensitive right up the centre.

Cute site suggestion

A fellow blogger and fellow Mommy, introduced me to a cute site called Only A Parent. It is cartoons of the crazy things only a parent would say. Her cartoon suggestion is on today and mine is supposed to be up tomorrow.

Please, go and support this very cute and funny site.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Please laugh with me on this one

It has finally happened to Nicholas...He has had to have a foreign object removed from his nose. Somehow, a Fruit Loop found its way into Nic's right nostril. LOL Thank goodness I was able to do the extraction myself with a little help from Nathan. It was in there pretty far too. I think he had pushed it in further as he tried to pick it out. Poor kid! LOL Tweezers and a mini flashlight were involved in the process.

Both the boys are coming up with VERY creative ways that the Fruit Loop could have gotten in the nostril. Nathan's explanation involves the Fruit Loop being balanced on Nic's nose and Nic lifting his face and the cereal ROLLING into the nostril. Nicholas's version is that it SHOT in there when he sneezed. He sneezed and the Fruit Loop flew out (from where I don't know), bounced off the chair and went into his nose.

Nathan did something similar a few years back. I have removed Tic Tacs and a wad of gum from in his nose. Again, a pair of tweezers and a mini flashlight came in handy.

What is it with kids and shoving food or toys in open orifices? I don't remember doing anything like that. Maybe it's a boys thing.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My boys

Nathan finally lost his first tooth. He wasn't playing with the wiggly tooth as much as I thought he would so it took 2 weeks for it to come out. I think he finally got tired of me asking about it so he pushed it out with his tongue.

He left a nice crater behind and the new tooth is breaking through the gums. He's a little worried because it's coming in further back than his other teeth. I've tried to reassure him that as he grows, his mouth will grow and the tooth will move forward into a larger opening. Either that or he'll be a tin grin like I was. LOL His worry is that it will grow too big and cut through is tongue and roof of the mouth. Interesting image, eh?

As for Nicholas, we finally got in to see the GI specialist. He has scheduled Nic for a gastroscopy on Dec 17th. He'll put a scope down Nic's throat to see if he can see what is bleeding and what can be done to fix the problem. The scope will only take a look from the mouth to just below the stomach. It is most likely that this is where the bleeding is coming from because it is old blood that he is passing.

We could have a barium swallow done and have the x-rays to take a look at the rest of the small intestine but it would be fairly high radiation for him. We could also have him scoped from the bottom up but that would be more to reassure me that there isn't a tumor in the colon. It is so VERY unlikely to be a colon tumor or have anything to do with the lower small intestine and large intestine.

He is not at Death's door so we're starting "small" and we'll progress as we see the need.

I have the feeling that the doctor is doing this more to shut me up than because he sees the need for it. Although I hate having to put Nic under anesthetic, we need to know what is bleeding and why. Once we know that, we can figure out a way to fix it.

I'm worried because of what I don't know right now. I'm going to feel like a complete moron and worry wart if they find nothing. On the flip side, I don't want to be the parent that is forced to face a serious illness in her child that could have been fixed easily if only it had been caught earlier.

I'll take any and all positive vibes on this one, my friends.


I dropped Stephen off at the airport this morning for his VERY LAST rotation at the mine. He will be home November 23rd and will start his new job in Edmonton on November 26th. He'll still be doing warehouse work but it'll be closer to home. He's been hired at Ryerson. From what I understand, they deal with sheet metal and pipes. I'm sure there is more, I just don't know about it yet.

After a year of him being gone for 2 weeks then home for 1 week, having him home every night and weekend is going to be interesting. LOL I think it'll be good for the boys to have Stephen home every night.

This past year has been a series of new opportunities, new difficulties, and new discoveries. I'm proud of the work Stephen has done and how well the boys and I managed. The future will hold new experiences and new opportunities. I'm excited to see what happens next.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Still waiting

We're still playing the waiting game and dancing with the GI specialist for Nicholas.

The past couple of days he's been clear of blood in his poops but he doesn't look like he's processing his food very well right now. His iron levels are low so he's on iron supplements. He's complaining more often that his belly hurts but he's not writhing in pain each night yet. I really hope it doesn't get that far again. His chief complaint lately is that his feet hurt. He usually says this when he's tired and doesn't want to walk anymore. He gets tired a lot.

The nurse for the GI specialist is really very nice but she's essentially the middle man/woman. I tell her the symptoms and situation, she tells the Doctor, he writes a note and she calls me to let me know what's happening. At this point, I'm almost ready to camp out on the clinic's doorstep. I know that Stephen is. I don't care that he's had a couple of decent days, I want to know why he keeps "relapsing" and bleeding into his gut. I'm waiting for the nurse's phone call about an appointment; hopefully they'll fit him in next week.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween my pretties!

Because Stephen doesn't get home until Friday, I got to take the boys Trick or Treating by myself. Nathan was a burgundy dragon with a purple tummy and yellow/gold wings. Nicholas was a green dinosaur. Because the costumes were fun fur and padded, they only needed to wear long sleeved shirts and pants under them. I went as the frazzled and sleep deprived Mother of three. I used our old Snugglie and my old Cabbage Patch Doll. I wore my flannel pj pants, a t-shirt and my housecoat. I thought it was funny! Some of the neighbours thought it was cute too.

I fully expected to just do our street and be done with it. We could have stopped because the bags were pretty full after just our street.

People were handing out HANDFULS of candy this year and full size chocolate bars. Holy MAN! We stopped at home to dump the bags and the boys decided that it would be fun to go to another neighbourhood. Nicholas was starting to peter out so I put him on his tricycle that I can push and we headed to the "adult oriented" neighbourhood up the street.

Even here they got a decent haul. Nicholas was up and down on whether he wanted to get candy or not. I think that he wanted to get more but he just didn't have the strength. Nathan was very hard to contain. He wanted to run to each house so that no one would run out before he got there. Typical 6 year old. LOL

I swear, after dumping the bags, we filled a Blue Recycling Box. Now the treats have been sorted and inspected and I'm sure there will be candy until next Halloween. At least there will be LOTS for Stephen to pick through when he gets home. LOL I think I'll send some up north with him when he heads back. I love good ideas!

I hope everyone has had a spooktacular Halloween and that no one got egged or had property damage. Little yahoo delinquents. (No, no bitterness here! LOL)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Clearing the air

I've been thinking lately (scary, I know) and I've decided that I need to clear something up to myself and to my Dad (who might be reading this).

A ways back, I posted the lyrics to a song and said that I was thinking about my Dad's girlfriend. It came off pretty sour and hurtful. So that is what I'm trying to clear up.

To make myself clear, I don't dislike Karen. I've never met the woman. That is what I think is part of the problem. Because I've never met her, I only have what my Dad says about her (which is pretty limited) and what thoughts go racing through my mind. I don't have anything to base my opinions on. I can't tell what her intentions are or what kind of person she is.

My fears are what drive me insane. I'm afraid that she's going to try and replace my Mom. I have no basis for this fear but it is mine none the less. I have a lot of pessimistic thoughts about this because I've heard, seen and been a part of several messy family events. My Dad is the only family that talks to me on a regular basis. He's my only remaining parent and he's got a life that I'm not part of. Sometimes I feel like I don't know him anymore and that he's only calling me because he feels obligated to. In my mind, I know that this isn't true but sometimes my heart breaks to think about what we've both lost.

It definitely doesn't help that we live in 2 different provinces. If we lived closer, I'm sure there would be less fear on my part. I would have had the opportunity to meet Karen and maybe start a relationship/friendship/mutual acceptance or whatever.

So ultimately, it looks like my fear is driving my obsession with my Dad's relationship. This is the first long term, fairly serious relationship he's had (or at least told me about, LOL) since my Mom died. I'm just scared that I'm going to lose my last parent. Again, there is no basis for this and it is totally irrational but it is the way I feel.

Maybe next year there will be an opportunity for us to meet and I can put my fears to rest.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What the teacher WISHES she could write

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Mrs. Kenney's class trip to the fire station is [why Mrs. Kenney is dreading] Tuesday morning. The children will walk there [and/or hop, skip, and lie on the sidewalk, sobbing that it wasn't Sienna's turn to be Door Holder]. If you'd like to chaperone, please [for the LOVE of God!] tell Mrs. Kenney.

At the station, Fire Captain Joe [or whoever draws the short straw] will teach the class fire-safety basics. [Prepare to hear your child bellow, "Stop, drop and roll!" 36 times a day, as well as wake you regularly at 2 A.M. convinced he smells smoke even though absolutely nothing is burning except your own exhausted eyeballs.] The captain will also hand out Smokey Bear posters, pamphlets, and colouring books [that, ironically, will make your home even more flammable].

After punch and candy provided [with remarkably poor timing] by the station, the children will get to aim a running fire hose [at Mrs. Kenney], meet the firehouse dog [and pull his tail], and try on a real firefighter hat [that they'll refuse to take off without howls and tears]. Then Mrs. Kenney will take [two extra-strength Excedrin and] a group picture beside the hook and ladder. Prints will be sent home [assuming that, unlike last year, five boys don't drop their pants just as the shutter clicks, eager to demonstrate how they would put out the fire by peeing on it].


Patty [rhymes with "Batty"] Kenney

My child, ___________________, has my permission to go on the fire station field trip.


My child, ___________________, will be unable to go on the fire station field trip. [YES!!!!!]

Parent's/Guardian's signature_______________________

Please enclose $2 to help cover the cost of post-field trip refreshments *

*[for Mrs. Kenney, who will be doing Jell-O shots the moment school lets out]

Saturday, October 20, 2007

OK, I'm excited again

Nathan has his FIRST loose tooth! It is the left front tooth on the bottom. He was eating a string cheese and came running to me asking if his mouth was bleeding. He had bitten the cheese and it came away with some blood on it. I took a look and THERE it was! He'll probably keep it still for a couple of days but it is definitely coming out.

I wonder if he's gonna freak out when he sees the blood and the open space when it finally comes out. How much does the Tooth Fairy give a kid for the first lost tooth? And then how much for the rest of them?

Boring General Update

I'm back, again. LOL Stephen was just home for his week off so I try to leave the computer alone when he's home. Now, for a general update...boring though it will be.

I'm amazed but we got samples from Nicholas in record time. He was in the ER on a Tuesday and provided the first sample the same day. Then I had to put him on a restricted diet for 3 days and for the days to get 3 samples from him. The last sample was provided on the Sunday and taken to the lab. Now I wait for results. Because the hospital hasn't called yet (5 days later) I have to assume that there was nothing to find. I put in a request for the results to go to Nic's doctor but I haven't heard anything from them either.

In the meantime, Nic is acting fine. He's doing everything he normally does. However, he looks like he's been run over. He's chronically pale with dark or purple circles under his eyes. He looks like he doesn't sleep even though he'll usually nap for a bit in the afternoon or evening then still get (or try to get) 10 hours at night.

Nathan has been acting out at home. He's fine at school apparently but at home he's a bloody maniac! Because Nathan is a whirling dervish, Nicholas feels the need to keep up and that leads to damage. I have to go around the house now and fill all the wall dings, sand, prime and paint. Stephen and I took away the offending toys (weapons of the thrown variety) and I'm making the boys earn them back.

I'm feeling not too bad. Very little on the MS symptom list which is nice. So I'm either in a remission of sorts or I don't have MS. Let's just keep our fingers crossed on that one.

With the weather change, I'm feeling achy. The walk down the stairs in the morning is already getting torturous. I feel like I'm walking on bare bone in my feet. I'm kind of glad that I'm on a low dose aspirin at the moment. It kind of takes the edge off.

On the positive side, I've now lost my first 10% of weight. From my heaviest (I was pregnant with Nicholas) I have lost 55 pounds. Since I've actually started trying to lose weight, I have lost 25 pounds (that where the 10% comes in). I got a membership to the local rec centre and while Stephen was home, I was able to go have my workouts and not be worried about time limits. Now that he's gone, I have to put the monkeys in childcare. I didn't feel like the workouts were really doing anything but I took my measurements this morning and I've lost a couple of inches already. Half an inch here, half an inch all adds up folks!

I promised myself a reward after my first 10% lost so now I have to find time to go and do it. I'm going to have my nails done. Pretty hands always seem to make me feel good.

On the work front, Stephen probably only has 2 or 3 more rotations left in his contract. Right now, it looks like he'll be done in the middle of December. I'm hoping that during this rotation, he is able to talk to the "powers that be" up there and that they have an offer for him. A job closer to home would be fine too, but I'd hate to see him backtrack on his abilities strictly to be closer to home. I know what Stephen's capable of and I hope that businesses start to recognize his abilities too.

OK, so if you made it this far without falling asleep, I applaud you. I've got to get back to the wall repairs or I'll never get them done.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


OK, now I'm SURE that I've pissed off the Karma Gods or the Gods of Fate.

Nicholas has been sick again for 3 weeks or so. Nathan caught something at school and infected Nic. Nic's cough has been going from bad to worse then a little better (just to play tricks on my hopefulness) and now he's worse again.

I think I've had maybe 3 or 4 hours of very interrupted sleep a night for the past few days because Nic wakes up coughing and spewing. I was simply going to call his Dr and get an appointment until he started with the BLACK FLECKED POOPS AGAIN!!! It was only a month ago that he pulled this one me.

So, after taking Nathan to school and getting my new debit card from the bank, I took Nic to the local hospital. I spent a good portion of the day there and nothing has really been figured out. Chest x-rays look clear and belly x-rays just showed a lot of gas in his intestines (probably the reason he was tooting up a stink storm in the ER, LOL).

I now have to privilege of getting stool samples again! Oh Joy! Oh Joy! This time around, he has to be on a restricted diet for 3 days before taking samples and then for the 3 days I'm collecting samples. No red meat, no bananas, no grapes, no melons, and no alcohol. Poor kid can't get a beer! LOL

Because of these restrictions, I have to just keep all his favourite stuff out of the house. Man oh man, I hope he will poop on a regular schedule. Yeah kid do ANYTHING normally? Not on your life! LOL

Monday, October 8, 2007

Tell me when I can freak out

Why me? I'm generally a good person. Most of the time any way. LOL

I got an automated phone call this morning from my bank saying that I may have shopped at a store that is under investigation for debit card copying. As a precaution, the bank would reduce my withdrawal amounts until I could come in to get a new card and PIN. No one answered at the Loss Prevention area so I figured I'd just talk to the people at the branch tomorrow.

Because of the idea my card may have been compromised, I ran to the computer to check my on-line banking records. Everything was checking out nicely until I saw a transaction dated for tomorrow (the first business day after the long weekend). $102 was withdrawn and I know I didn't do it. I figured it couldn't have been Stephen either because there is no reason for him to take out cash while he's on site. I've since checked with him and he verified that he hasn't taken out any money.

I called the phone banking and let them know that I didn't make that transaction and I wanted my money back. The lady could see on my file that there was a possible compromise of my card and immediately "statused" my card so no more transactions could go through. She then opened an investigation for me so that I could try and get my money back.

I haven't been out of the house since the 5th because Nathan, Nicholas and I have all been sick. I asked if the lady on the phone could tell me which store the compromise happened at and she didn't have that info. She said it was probably at one of the last couple places I shopped at.

In any case, I have to wait for 14 business days to see if the bank will return my money. Because there is the possible card copying note on my file and I immediately called about the fraudulent transaction, the lady on the phone said it sounds pretty open and shut. We'll have to see since I don't have much faith in "the man".

To top this off, I had forgotten about another issue from a couple of months ago. I received a letter from the health group that runs the hospitals in Edmonton. Apparently, last May, 3 or 4 laptops were stolen from one of their offices and some of the files had my info on them. They reassured me that the risk was low because there are 2 levels of password protections on the laptops. They did warn me though to keep an eye out for suspicious mail, credit applications, etc to guard against identity theft.

So, am I just unlucky or have I really pissed off the Karma Gods again? LOL

Sunday, September 30, 2007


OK, OK, OK. I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard.

Nicholas is making HUGE strides with using the toilet. All of a sudden it has just clicked for him. He's asking to use the toilet to pee but he hasn't pooped yet. Sure, he's farted and a turd has plopped out but no full dump yet.

Just now, he said that he had to poop in the toilet. So I ran to the can with him to help him take off his Cars undies and put him on the toilet. He sat for a short time and only squeezed out a tiny bit of pee. As he hopped down, I asked if he needed a diaper to go poop. He insisted that no, he was fine in his underwear. I told him that I didn't want to see poop in his underwear either. No pee and no poop in the underwear!

I asked again if he needed a diaper on in case he had to poop and he said, "No diaper Momma. I no poop!"

Then he turned his back, pulled up his t-shirt, bent over and pulled his butt cheeks apart saying, "See. No poops!"

Oh man! My belly hurts from laughing so hard.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Here you go, you vultures!

Well, I'm here. Not entirely of my own desire, but hey. LOL

I've been busy. I'm not exactly sure what I've been busy doing, but I haven't seemed to have much time.

Stephen was just home for a week. We took the boys to Galaxyland in West Edmonton Mall and rode the new coaster with Nathan. Between Stephen and me, Nathan rode it 6 times. He LOVED it. Stephen and I are getting old so we could only ride it once each then we needed a rest. Our stomachs were turning just a little.

I finally got my memorial tattoo done. It's still pretty raw so I'll take photos after it's all healed up. Curt only took about 2.5 hours to do it and charged me less than $300. I'm very happy with it.

I finally got a letter letting me know the when and where for my MRI. November 24th Hopefully this means I'll have an idea of what is wrong with me by Christmas. I know that the MRI isn't going to tell me everything...being a few sandwiches short of a picnic isn't going to show up on the MRI. Neither is the Bitch gene. I have high hopes though.

The boys are both sick. Nathan caught something on his first bloody day at school and now Nicholas is infected too. Nathan had a massive asthma attack one night that finally subsided a little when he finally let me give him his Ventolin. Nicholas woke up this morning with a similar attack. He at least lets me give him his meds. Of course I'm that much bigger than he is and he doesn't have much of a choice. LOL

If this is the way we're starting out the fall season, I dread what winter will bring. I hope because the boys have asthma diagnoses and they're on a treatment action plan, we'll have a less illness infused winter than the last one. Having said that, I'm sure I've jinxed myself and the boys will find some rare malady to come down with. It just keeps me on my toes I guess. Ha Ha!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yes, I've been slacking

I've taken a bit of a break from blogging lately because I've just been feeling really negative lately. I don't want this to become a boring bitching blog so I'm avoiding it until I'm feeling more happy.

I do continue to read everyone else's blogs and comment sometimes. I'm still around but I'm just not up to spilling my guts right now. It could be NASTY!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Health Update for Nic and Me

Nicholas went to see the GI specialist on Thursday. As I figured, the doctor said that it was most likely a virus and it has run its course. One liver enzyme is back to normal and the other is coming down nicely. When he was in the ER, the one was at over 500 when it should be less than 50. The following day, the result was in the 400s and fours days after that, it was down to 133. It is still too high, but it's heading in the right direction. Nic will be fine.

I mentioned that he's still having a little black blood in his poops so the doctor sent us home with a couple of sample jars to get samples for the lab. Nic also needs to have another blood test on Monday to make sure that last liver enzyme is back to normal.

As follow-up, because of the blood still in the poops, the doctor prescribed Zantac. He THINKS that the blood may be because of the vomiting. Nic may have made a little tear in his esophagus and it is still oozing a little. The Zantac will cut down on the stomach acids so that it can heal. If Nic continues with black blood in his poops, then the doctor may need to put in a scope and see what's happening. I doubt that will be necessary though.

As for me, I saw the neurologist on Friday. I showed her my journal of symptoms for August and described how this all came about. She had a tech come in and do some nerve shock tests on my right arm and leg. The results there looked good. "No myelin degeneration detected." Basically, the nerve sheaths are not showing any problems.

However, because of the way the symptoms came on, peaked and have come down, the doctor thinks it would be a good idea to send me for an MRI. She sounded like this was more to rule out MS rather than to diagnose it.

Sounds encouraging, doesn't it? It is, but it also isn't. I'm happy that the neurologist thinks it probably isn't MS (a life long and life altering degenerative disease) but I'm also frustrated about what it could be instead. She admitted that often this type of stuff isn't diagnosed as anything specific. Basically, "Suck it up and deal" or "You're a total head case".

I'll have to see what happens when I finally get the MRI and see what the results are.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nic's at it again

Nicholas gave me another health scare and we're not entirely out of it yet.

He has been complaining for about 3 weeks that his belly hurts. Every night he'd lay in my arms, writhing in pain, moaning, groaning and crying. On top of this, he'd have isolated vomiting spells. Out of the blue, he'd throw up then be fine again until that night when he was in belly agony.

On Aug 30th, he was acting normally; playing, fighting with Nathan, etc. He didn't eat or drink much but he seemed fine. Around supper time, I did a diaper change and there were black "fibres" in his poop. It looked like he'd eaten a handful of fine sawdust. I tossed him into the tub to clean him up and I realized that his skin was yellow. I was in denial and thought maybe it was his tan fading. I had Nathan get into the tub too and it was then that I realized that yes, Nic was yellow and it WASN'T a faded tan. He looked up at me and I could see that the whites of his eyes were yellowed too.

I got the boys out of the tub, dressed and started to take him to the hospital but just as I was about to put his shoes on, he threw up. Quick clean up again.

I got him to the hospital and had about a 45 minute wait. The resident examined him as soon as we got in there and I showed the poop sample. (Yes, I brought some so that the doctor would understand what I was talking about! LOL) The resident confirmed my fears that this was blood. It was probably from higher up in the digestive tract so that the stomach and intestines had broken it down a bit.

The Doctor came in and between the blood in the poop, the jaundice and a palpable liver, he decided to run several tests. Nic was poked, prodded and ultimately found to have elevated liver enzymes as well as the enlarged liver.

They started the process of admitting him so that he could undergo an ultrasound and maybe other tests the following morning. We were taken up to our room and as they were bringing the bed in for him, the GI residents came back and said that the had conferred with each other and their supervisor and another doctor in on Nic's case and they collectively agreed that Nic was safe to go home and undergo the tests as an outpatient. They did one more blood test before they let us leave.

Nic had to have another blood test run on Friday the 31st and again today, Sept 4th. He has an appointment with the GI specialist on Sept 6th. I have a mountain of questions that I want answers to.

Nic appears to be doing better since the ER visit (and almost admission). He hasn't vomited since then and he hasn't been complaining about his belly. He is not yellowed anymore (maybe a tiny bit in his eyes) but he still has the blood in his poop.

I want to know what happened, why did it happen, and do I need to be watching for this again.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I wish I had caught it on camera

This evening, Nicholas brought me his cup and asked for a drink. I asked him what he wanted in his cup and he said, "Juicey!"

I had to inform him that there was no more juice so it had to be milk or water. He toddles off into the kitchen and opens the fridge. I figure he's making sure Mommy isn't being a liar, but no he was up to no good!

He walks back in to the living room with his cup under one arm and tells me he wants a beer in his cup. I look up to see him carrying one of Stephen's bottles of beer. There is my not quite 3 year old holding out a beer for me to dump into his cup. He was serious; he wanted a beer in his cup!

What could I do? I cracked up laughing. Nicholas just stood there grinning from ear to ear not quite understanding why I was in hysterics. He was very proud of himself for finding something more interesting to drink than milk or water.

Only one of my kids, eh? LOL

Friday, August 24, 2007

The latest round of doctor's appointments

I realize that I could have a second blog, entirely focused on my boys and their medical crises.

On Wednesday, Nicholas had a follow-up ultrasound on his damaged kidney. It marked 18 months since his surgery. This ultrasound looked very much like the last 2 ultrasounds so we are now stretching out his follow-up appointments to once a year rather than every 6 months.

The left kidney is still slightly dilated but it is mild to moderate hydronephrosis now rather than severe hydronephrosis. There is no excess build up of scar tissue that would narrow the repair sites and make another surgery a necessity. At this point, Nicholas is as healthy as he can be.

Today, both the boys were assessed at a Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Clinic. They both got skin tests for the most common allergy triggers (pollen, dogs, cats, horses, mold, and a few others) and they had no reactions. Because both of them have been exposed to nuts we didn't even bother with nut allergy tests.

As for the asthma, yes it seems they have it. They are mostly triggered by colds and exercise. The doctor is treating the boys aggressively with the inhalers and in 2 months we'll reassess them and reduce the dosages accordingly. We're just trying to get their symptoms in control then we'll reduce the meds to the minimum required by each boy.

After that fun appointment, I took Nicholas to his pediatrician to have his stitches removed. It took all of 30 seconds to do and Nic didn't really fuss too much except for the idea of a pair very pointy scissors coming straight for his eyes. We blinded him with a spotlight (better lighting for the doctor) and while Nic's eyes were closed, the doctor did what had to be done. Nic has a thin scab under the eyebrow and I think the scar will hardly be noticeable.

I am now completely exhausted and hoping the boys will go to bed early so I can follow suit. It isn't likely though since both of them slept in the van on the ride home from the city. I hate admitting it, but I foresee a late night ahead of me. LOL

Next week holds an appointment to meet Nathan's new teacher and 2 weeks from today is my neuro appointment. WeeHee! LOL

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Let Sleeping Boys Lie

I've always loved the sight of my boys when they are sleeping. I have a small mountain of photos of the boys sleeping. They have slept in strange places (yes, he's sleeping standing up)

in strange positions
and/or with funny faces.

Nathan is not difficult to rouse unless it is for school. He's kind of a light sleeper most of the time. Nicholas on the other hand can and will sleep through just about anything.

I have made the mistake of nursing my boys to sleep in their infancy then cuddling them to sleep later on. With Nathan, after he fell asleep it was into the crib with no detours, no bumps. If he got jiggled, he'd wake up. Nicholas is so the opposite. After he falls asleep, I take him up to his room, lay him on his dresser to change his diaper (and sometime even have to put jammies on him), then I pick him up again and put him into his bed. He barely moves through all of this. When he sleeps, he sleeps like the dead. LOL
Getting him to wake up is nothing less than a job in itself. You have to get creative. Subtlety will not work. Soft talking and a back rub...nothing. Kisses and tickling his face...mildly annoying, he'll turn away but keep snoring. Jumping on his bed, straddling his sleeping form and bouncing to jiggle the bed...sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Physically rolling him over, picking him up, pushing around the bed will eventually work but then he's kind of crabby at first.
The funniest one though was what my hubby did. He went into Nic's room and quickly grabbed his belly shaking him and yelling, "BAAAAAHHHHHH!"

NOTHING HAPPENED! Nic didn't even jump. Stephen and I just looked at each other and started to laugh. We knew he was alive but he was seriously unconscious. It took some extra work to wake Nic up that morning but he woke up in good spirits.

We've tormented the boys after a long car ride too. They will be sound asleep when we pull into the garage so we'll open their doors and start to yell and scream like we're about to fall off a cliff. Nathan wakes up immediately, confused then gives us crap for scaring him. Nic will sometimes wake up but most of the time he'll just flicker his eyes and go back to sleep.

What is nice is that when Nicholas wakes up, he's usually in good spirits. Even when we have to wake him up before he's ready. I think he may take after my Mom. Nathan is happy when he wakes up on his own but is a crabby pants if we have to wake him up. I think Nathan takes after Stephen, myself and my Dad...Wake us up early and we're down right NASTY! At least there's one nice morning person in this household. LOL

The kid knows his stuff! LOL

Yesterday in the grocery store, Nicholas starts announcing that Momma is a girl. OK, yes, you are correct; Momma IS a girl. But how do you KNOW Momma is a girl?

His almost 3 year old answer..." 'Cuz YOU don't have a penis!"

So to tease him, I asked if he was sure. He said he was. I thought that was the end of it. Oh no Mommy...he's a boy and he's almost 3. He holds onto everything embarrassing and beats the topic to death.

I spent the rest of the shopping trip listening to him stating (in a loud voice I must add) that Daddy is a boy because he has a penis. And Nathan is a boy because he has a penis. And Nicholas is a boy because HE has a penis. But Mommy's a girl so she doesn't have a penis. Over and Over and Over.

I got some sympathetic smiles from other Moms, some horrified expressions from the old bitties and more than a few snickers to my face and loud guffaws behind my back.

Just another day in my life living in the House of Testosterone.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Nicholas's War Wounds

My little peanut at 2:30 Saturday morning immediately upon getting home from the local hospital with 2 stitches in his right eye brow.

After a couple hours of sleep and the freezing wearing off.

On Monday morning with a couple of days healing under his belt.
So, lets give you the lowdown...
Friday night at around 11 pm, I was trying to get Nic to head upstairs so I could change his diaper and encourage him to start heading for bed. It wasn't an easy process since he'd had a nap late in the afternoon and was still WIDE awake.
He tripped on the first couple of stairs and hit his head. I thought little about it since he's done this on countless other occasions. I will admit that I was losing my patience with him and I simply scooped him up, carried him up to his room and laid him down on the change pad on top of his dresser. THIS is when I saw the blood. Nic started to freak out a little but I actually remained quite calm. I cleaned him up, put some gauze on it and headed off to the hospital.
We finally got into the treatment room and because he was having a screaming fit, the nurses kicked me out of the room with the pretense that he'd calm down if I wasn't in sight. The stitching took less than 10 minutes and we were out the door to head home again.
Up until now, even with all the trauma, drama and medical problems, my kids have avoided actual stitches. Steri-strips, yes but no surface stitches. Is this an indicator of what he's going to look like when he starts playing sports? The kid already leads with his head. I call him the tank or the bulldozer because he just barrels on through whatever is in his way; It doesn't matter if it's furniture or people.
So all in all, he's fine. He's playing, fighting with Nathan and cuddling just like he normally does. His stitches come out on Friday. I keep thinking I could do it myself but then I realize that I only have 2 hands and it would take an octopus Mother to hold him down and snip those things. I see high drama at the doctor's office. LOL Wish us luck!

My Nathan

This is my Nathan baby at around 18 months old. I love this laughing face.

His birthday was on August 9th and he's 6 now. Man oh man has he ever changed! He's still a goofy monkey but he's more anxious for our approval now. He's compassionate and charming and full speed ahead in his behaviour. Some call him spirited, I call him high octane. He's the Energizer Bunny, he just never stops.

Daddy wasn't home for the actual birthday so we celebrated when he got home. The cake was chocolate with raspberry filling and obnoxious coloured icing that stained every bodily surface it touched. LOL Blue lips and tongue anyone?

Because he's still fully in love with Cars the movie, he got a race track with Cars characters. We also picked up extra character cars because he needed an audience for the races. LOL He got a motorcycle toy, a bilingual memory/matching game, Mack and Lightning McQueen Lego, and a Leapster game device. I'm hoping the game helps teach him in a more entertaining way that Mommy hasn't been able to duplicate.

So here he is, my 6 year old monster. I sometimes wish he was still little so I could wrap him in my arms and protect him from the world. He tries to be so independent but he's got a sensitive spirit and I know his feelings get hurt. He won't say anything but I can see it in his eyes. I can see me in there too.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Every Little Boys Dream

Did you know that in Victoria there is a place called the Victoria Bug Zoo? At first sight, it is a gift shop with bug related products...rubber bugs, suckers with bugs inside, bug nets and the list goes on. For a small price, you get to go into the back room and see a multitude of bugs on display.

Now, I'm talking live bugs in glass cases not dead bugs pinned in pans.

We got into the tour that had just started and much to my amazement, the guide started taking bugs out of their cases, holding them out for us to see up close and to pet. Some bugs he allowed us to hold as well. We had a lot of kids in our group and most of them were game to hold bugs.

Nathan held a Praying Mantis, I held a Thorny Devil, and Stephen was the most daring of us all by holding almost every bug that came out of a case including a tarantula.

Nicholas petted a couple of bugs but couldn't be convinced to hold one. Not bad considering he's had a bug phobia since being flown at by a couple of wasps last summer.

I was CONVINCED that this would be a lame and/or creepy place to visit but I was determined to go for the sake of the boys. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I thought Nathan would have fun and I was right; he LOVED it. I liked how informative and casual the place was. I'd actually recommend it but definitely go in with the tour because it is so much more fun when you can touch the bugs and see them up close.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Whistler or Bust

In all the years I lived in BC, I had NEVER been up to Whistler. This trip, I was determined to go! The forecast called for rain but I still wanted to go.

The Sea to Sky Highway was spectacular to me. There is a lot of work being done right now to widen it and make it "safer" for the 2010 Winter Olympics. The construction caused some delays but nothing really upsetting.

I was happy to see that parking was free. I expected there to be huge parking costs. For all the tourists to go through the town site, it would create a lot of revenue. So we parked and walked through the bustling town site until we found the gondola to the top of the mountain. Nathan and Nicholas could barely contain themselves with all the sights and people. Nicholas positively skipped the whole time. I didn't realize his face could grin that much.

The gondola ride was pretty. We could see other lifts taking extreme mountain bikers to various trails. I think it's great that Whistler as a whole has created bike trails and obstacle courses for the enjoyment of these adrenaline junkies. Nathan was gobsmacked about the whole thing. I think he was envisioning himself on those trails. I, as his over protective mother, was having heart attacks over the idea.

At the top, we walked around in the rain and I felt the most clear I have in a long time. I found a sort of peace that has been lacking for too long.

Stephen talked to a "host/guide" about the building of the peak to peak gondola from Whistler to Blackcomb. It seems like such an impossible idea to me but they are progressing on schedule. I think when it is done, it will be an amazing ride.

After a quick bite to eat, we took a couple of photos and headed back down the gondola to the town site. Poor Nathan was freezing. He doesn't have much meat on his bones. LOL Nicholas couldn't stay still if he'd wanted to. All that fresh air gave him super stamina.

On the way back down the Sea to Sky Highway, a work crew stopped us and told us to turn around and head back up to Squamish (a small town between Vancouver and Whistler). There had been a rock slide earlier in the day and they were having problems clearing it. They had cleared it once, got traffic moving then it had slid again. This was the one we were stuck behind. We chose to continue down the highway and wait until the it opened up again.

The only other choices were to sit in Squamish listening to the radio and then heading back down when they said the road was open again or heading back up to Whistler and down the other side which would apparently take us about 12 hours.

As it was, we sat behind the slide for just under 2 hours. We got out of the car, walked around, talked to strangers, and generally just took time to enjoy the stillness. Strange that I saw it that way. There were hundreds of people walking around and cars for as far as you could see but I saw the stillness of the mountain, the woods, and the stream we were close to. I was able to get back the serenity I felt at the top of the mountain, even for a short period of time.

The rock slide extended our day a little but the view was beautiful and I'd say our day was a success.

Our Visit to White Rock

One of our first days of vacation, we went into White Rock to meet up with an online friend Twila and her family. Stephen, our boys and I got there first and just walked around in the tidal pools until Twila and company arrived. We walked around the pools for a while longer with our friends then headed back to the towels for lunch.

I was amazed by the amount of life in those pools. We found all kinds of interesting things. There were millions of little tiny snails, little fish darting here and there, crabs of all sizes (a lot had been eaten by the seagulls so we mainly saw the empty shells), and what looked like a baby shrimp.

Depending on where we walked or poked the sand, we'd get spurts of water from buried clams. A couple of us got sprayed pretty good. LOL The kids had a blast trying to dig those little boogers out of the sand but the clams were often too fast and dug themselves deeper.

After lunch, Nathan, Nicholas, Logan and Makenna all played in the sand and tidal pools. Nicholas didn't go to far from me but he did finally start to dig and spray sand everywhere.

Nathan and Logan seemed to hit it off and played together digging for treasure. Beautiful Makenna played here and there but somehow got missed by our picture taking. Hopefully Twila captured more photos than we did. LOL
It was so nice to see Twila, Noel, Logan and Makenna again. It was a short visit but I enjoyed it immensely.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Quick Medical Update

I've received the results of my latest round of blood tests. Almost everything was normal except for 2 enzymes (I think) that were elevated. They usually indicate a breakdown in the muscles like after a hard workout. Sadly, I had NOT just done a big workout prior to the blood tests.

The doctor has basically ruled out a minor stroke because that would have only affected one side or the other. I already figured that much. So the doctor is building on the idea of MS or I Don't Know as the diagnosis.

She is referring me to a neurologist and letting him/her send me for an MRI. She thinks that I'll get a higher priority if I'm referred for the MRI by a neurologist. I'll believe THAT when I see it. LOL

Until then, I am waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. I'm just continuing to do what needs to be done and hoping for the best.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm Home

Hello my lovelies. I am home now and trying to recover from my vacation. LOL I dropped Stephen off at the airport this morning so I'm back online too.

I have a few stories from our vacation and I'll be writing them in separate posts as I think about them. I have to dump the contents of the camera as well and see what Stephen took photos of. He didn't take many apparently. Men! LOL Don't they understand that us women need something visual to reminisce over?

I'll be back with the gory details later.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Taking a Hike

I'm outta here for my holidays. I'll be back, later. LOL Maybe I'll even have photos to share.

Love and Squishes. Isn't THAT a lovely image. GAG!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Aye Matey!

A sweet friend and fellow blogger posted about her son's fascination with pirates lately. It reminded me of a story about Nathan.

Nathan and I were standing in a long line up at Timmy's. Nathan was looking around, fidgeting like a little boy full of energy. Half way through our wait, Nathan pipes up, "Look Mommy, a Pirate!"

I was distracted (day dreaming) so I started to brush off the comment until Nathan started to insist there was a pirate. I looked up and a very large man had just past us. He was one of the biggest freaking bikers I have ever seen! Large man, wearing a HUGE leather jacket, big honking boots and a skull and crossbones do-rag/head hankie.

I was flustered because what do you say? I wanted to correct Nathan but what is politically correct. 'Sorry honey, that's not a pirate...He's a biker.' I did try to get Nathan to reduce the volume of his voice but it was already too late. Half the occupants of Timmy's were grinning and trying not to snicker.

It took a few extra seconds but the biker finally turned around (looking very intimidating because he was scowling), broke into a grin for Nathan and said, "Arrrr Matey!" Then he turned back around and walked out of Timmy's.

As he left, the whole place cracked up. We could finally release the tension with laughter. I was a little rubber legged for a bit afterwards. Nathan was thrilled to have met a real pirate. LOL

Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Lucky Anniversary

Today is Stephen and my 7th wedding anniversary. It is our "lucky" one because it is our 7th anniversary on the 7th day of the 7th month of 2007. Have you guessed that 7 is Stephen's lucky number? LOL

My loving Dad had to point out though, "Have you ever heard of the 7 year itch?" Nice! Way to help me celebrate Pops! LOL

Stephen called me this morning to wish me a happy anniversary and sent me a cute e-card. I also received calls from my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. Nathan and Nicholas are oblivious but I'll forgive them since they are so young. LOL

Friday, July 6, 2007

Wait and See

I saw my el Doctoro this morning. I presented all the symptoms of extremity numbness, weakness, mental confusion and difficulty speaking. The Doctor is a little worried but not enough to send me to the hospital immediately. I figure it can't be too bad since the symptoms seem to get better then get worse. They don't completely go away but they get less noticable and annoying.

The Doctor has sent me home with an almost full page requisition for blood and urine tests. There are a couple of fasting tests so I'm hoping to get them done tomorrow. (I THINK the lab is open tomorrow.)

She said that I'm presenting like a stroke, but not really and I'm presenting like MS, but not really. How's THAT for reassuring? LOL So now I need to get the tests done and get the results so we can figure out what to do next. She may also have to send me to a neurologist but we'll wait until the test results are in.

On a better note, my blood pressure was FABULOUS! The Doctor told me to start taking a baby aspirin a day now as well as the other meds.

Wait and see what happens is the way it is. I'm not going to freak out until there is something to freak out about. Maybe. LOL

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

General Update

Yesterday, after a week at home, I shuttled Stephen back out to the airport and sent him off to Ekati again. It was a good week together. We built 2 retaining wall type flower beds in front of the house as our "creative time" together. Well, Stephen did the work and I supervised, kept the children out of the way and played pack mule. My poor hands from carrying the bricks! LOL

Today is my honey's birthday. He's 38 and all by himself at work. I'm planning birthday stuff for when he gets home. I have one present for him but I can't reveal it because Stephen reads my blog too. He's also going to be away for our 7th anniversary. It is a lucky anniversary too...our 7th anniversary on the 7th day of the 7th month. I still have to come up with an anniversary present for him. Hmmm...any ideas?

Nathan had his kindergarten farewell ceremony last week. Both french immersion classes were there to sing a couple of songs and get their certificate saying they had just done a year of french immersion kindergarten. It was pretty cute listening to 53 kids singing songs about a Petite Poisson and Dino Dinosaur.

Nicholas has been back tracking on his toilet training because he didn't want Daddy to see his naked bum. It's all well and good for Mommy to see the nakedness all day every day, but Daddy causes naked phobias. Go figure! LOL

Nathan is going through "a phase" at the moment. He is now not only defiant to me but to everyone who sees him. His abilities to listen and think before he acts have gone on vacation. He is a lot more destructive and stubborn. But of course, this is seeing his behaviour in a negative light. To put it in a positive light, he is being more creative, inquisitive, and experimental. He is incredibly focused on his experimentation that he has shut out the distractions around him. (Hint: The distractions are Mommy, Daddy and little brother Nicholas. )

And I have finally gotten some sleep! Yahoo! Stephen's flight to Ekati yesterday was scheduled to leave at 6:45 am so we were up at 4 am to get cleaned up, dressed and to the airport. The kidlets both had little naps yesterday but I didn't. Even with the naps, the boys slept in until almost 10 am. It might have something to do with them both sneaking into my bed last night. What better way to wake up than to have 2 little monkeys play peek-a-boo with you around the pillow?

Despite the nice sleeping in, I wasn't able to move to get up. I've been struggling to move all day today. I can get short bursts of energy and get from Point A to Point B but it's taking a lot out of me. I just feel like I've been beaten up by a whole mess of people.

I've been having some numbness issues with my right side for the past month or so and it is getting worse. I think that whatever the main issue is, I keep aggravating it by getting up and walking, lifting, and just plain living. It has just been getting worse and worse over the past week and now my left side is being affected. I can usually still walk and function but there is numbness and heaviness to my extremities.

To prevent any comments of "Call your doctor", let me assure you that I have already done that. I called last week. I'm heading in on Friday morning and I'll hopefully be seeing my chiropractor before that. I wasn't too worried about waiting to see the doctor until this morning. Today has been the most difficult thus far. We'll have to see what shape I'm in later.

So there it is, boring as hell. I'm starting to realize that I have no life. LOL

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Too Many Buns

I think I'm living in a nudist colony right now. I'm trying to toilet train Nicholas and it is just easier to let him run around naked. He doesn't have accidents while he's naked. It's like he knows that he'll piddle on his toes if he starts to pee. However, if he has a Pull-up or a diaper on...he doesn't bother to ask for the toilet until he's already peed. I even tried big boy underwear but he's not into them. He had a screaming hissy fit until I changed him. No accident but he didn't like them. Maybe if I get him some Lightning McQueen undies he'll be more inclined. Hmmmm?!?

And Nathan, my dear sweet Nathan, just likes to hang free. LOL He sees Nicholas in the buff so he thinks its ok for him too. I've been seeing naked little boy bottoms all week. Too many buns! LOL

So fair warning for those who are local...if you drop by as a surprise, you may get a surprise of your own. The boys forget that they are nude and will run to the door to greet you.

I'm sure my neighbours have already seen more than they care for since one or the other likes to stand in front of the window on the stairs and people watch. This used to be such a nice neighbourhood...then we moved in. LOL

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's all Dad's fault

I got a call from my Dad tonight. He apparently was calling before the meds kicked in. WHAT!?!

My Dad, at the early age of 56 or 57, went back to school to become a Community Support Worker. There are a number of job opportunities with that diploma but he chose working with mentally handicapped adults. He's covering for someone's mat leave, nervous breakdown, some sort of extended leave of absence.

Today, Dad and a client/resident had gone for a drive to a park and went for a walk. As they were walking back to the van, the client tried to run into traffic. Dad saw what was coming and physically blocked the client. The client is, as Dad describes it, built like a fire hydrant. Short, squat and impossible to move.

As Dad blocked the client, he was knocked off his feet and fell on his left side. My Dad is now sporting a bruised hip and butt cheek along with a funky foam sling from a partially separated shoulder. The shoulder had partially popped out and popped itself back in. Along with the bruises, he has a LOT of soft tissue damage and will be off work for a minimum of a week but most likely longer. He is now 59 years old so he doesn't bounce back like he used to.

So there you have it folks...this just proves that I follow in his footsteps. This is just the latest in his list of injuries. He has a LOOOOONNNGGG history of falls and wipe outs and so do I. Nathan and Nicholas are following this line too. LOL

So tonight as you lay your head on your pillow and drift off to an easy sleep, think of my Dad and chuckle to yourself over his misery. I know I will. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm kidding! Love you Dad. I hope you feel better soon. ;-)

Zoo Field Trip

Today was Nathan's field trip to the Valley Zoo. It was both French Immersion kindergarten classes (53 students between 2 classes) and the English kindergarten with about 20 students. Families were invited to join them at the zoo but we'd of course have to pay our own admission. No sweat!

I drove my van with Nicholas, myself, another Mom and her preschooler. She had volunteered to take a group of students in the zoo but I hadn't.

We stood outside the zoo entrance waiting for another parent to show and when it looked like she wasn't coming, I volunteered to take her group in. Nathan saw that I had a group and asked if he could leave his group and join me. The teacher, the other parent and I agreed so I was in control of Nathan, Nicholas and 3 additional 5/6 year olds. Oh JOY! LOL What was nice was that by taking a group of students into the zoo, I got in free. I only had to pay for Nicholas. Watch me do my happy dance. LOL

Through the whole day, Nathan was the trouble maker. He decided that he didn't want to be tied down to the group and would take off at will. I swear the zoo visitors knew my son by name because I ended up bellowing it often enough.

All in all, it was a good day. We rode the little train, the kids rode the carousel, we had our picnic lunch, we watched the flight display and we walked the zoo a couple of times over. I don't think the kids really looked at the animals much but overall, we did well.

A quick drive back to the school to drop off the other Mom and preschooler and we made off for home. Nicholas was so tired that he napped in the van coming back from the zoo AND he went to bed at a decent hour. Quiet time for Mommy. Yahoo! LOL

Friday, June 15, 2007

First Impressions & Too Much Honesty

I'm writing this because of some posts about how strangers maul large families and families of multiples and ask goofy questions. This is my situation, similar but still so different.

As some of you know, I'm a little...different in my appearance. I'm a plus size (I love politically correct terms for Fat Chick LOL), have amazing blue eyes with lashes that go on forever (I'm not bragging, people have told me this), and super short hair dyed dark purple. I have also shaved my head from time to time, but that is another story.

I have all of 2 tattoos, small and not very tacky. I am gearing up for a memorial tattoo for late this summer.

I have been called a dyke and a butch by friends and family and the majority of the time I'm OK with that. I've been hit on by women and though I get flustered, I enjoy the compliment.

So what this leads to is...why do people feel it is their right to ask me my sexual orientation? I have been asked by 3 different parents at Nathan's school if I'm gay. A couple of others have admitted to wondering but were afraid to ask. I know these people strictly by sight because our children go to the same class.

My first reaction whenever someone blurts out the question is, "Why, are you looking for a date?" or "No, I enjoy the company of all humanity."

I'm not bitter about the impression people get of me, but I am bitter that people think it is their right to know. Aren't I still a good parent? Am I not a whole person if I'm one way or the other? Does it really matter in the greater scheme of things? How does MY choice of partners affect their lives?

I leave this up to discussion. Go ahead, tear me apart...I like the attention. LOL

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Because Someone Asked/Nicholas's Story

Someone asked me why I thought Nicholas might have problems toilet training. The simple answer is that Nicholas was born with kidney and bladder problems. He might not have the same full bladder sensations that others have.

Here is the FULL story:

I had just had an ultrasound at 22 weeks pregnant and I was changing from my OB/GYN to a midwife. At my very first midwife appointment, she did the normal stuff like monitoring the baby and letting me hear the heartbeat. When I got up, she said to not worry too much but there was something about the baby that was found on the ultrasound. She handed me the report and I read that my male baby had left side hydronephrosis. Essentially too much fluid in his left kidney.

I was horrified. I thought that I had done something wrong. I had caused this. The midwife assured me that this wasn't the case but she recommended that I have the baby in Edmonton rather than at our small town hospital...Just in case.

The rest of my pregnancy followed all the "rules" except that I had to have Bio Physical Profiles (more intensive ultrasounds) every 4 weeks to monitor the baby and his kidney. In the mean time, I met with nephrologists (kidney specialists) and our pediatrician to discuss what was coming.

On September 7, 2004, Nicholas Arthur Lee was delivered. He did great immediately after the delivery and promptly voided his bladder but then gave us a scare and wouldn't keep his colour. The NICU respiratory team came in to monitor him for about an hour but he perked up so they left him with me.

Within his first month of life, Nicholas was poked, prodded, and scanned to see the full impact of his hydronephrosis. He was diagnosed with Class 5 Urine Reflux (the worst level) and he had an obstruction of some sort in his ureter that couldn't be fully diagnosed without invasive surgery. He was put on a daily prophylactic (preventative) dose of antibiotics to try and prevent bladder and kidney infections.

He was good until he was about 2 months old. He had his first breakthrough infection and was admitted for IV antibiotics. He also went through more scans to monitor his condition. He continued having renal scans at 6 months and 1 year to keep a close eye on his kidney. They were looking for any signs of the kidney failing or reducing in function.

At the one year scan, the urologist (Pee Pee doctor LOL) said that his kidney function was reducing and that they'd schedule him for surgery. He had hoped to hold off on surgery until he was between 2 and 5 years old but that was not to be.

Over the course of his first 18 months, he was having a new breakthrough infection about every 6 weeks.

His surgery date was within days of his 18 month birthday. He had a pyeloplasty and left uretic re-implant. Basically, they cut out the excess ureter with the blockage, some stretched out kidney tissue and moved the ureter at the bladder to a better position so it would "close off" when the bladder was full. He was in the hospital for 4-5 days hooked up to a catheter, an IV and an epidural.

This photo was taken about 2 weeks after the surgery and while he was getting antibiotics for a staph infection in the incisions. The larger incision opened up at the surface but the under lying tissues were well stitched and remained closed. The lower incision was from the drain they put in right after surgery. He has another incision along the "bikini line". It runs from the body centre line almost to his left hip. Remember that this is on the body of a LARGE 18 month old. He was 31 lbs when he went into surgery and looked like he was 2 or 3 years old.
He has gone back for renal scans every 6 months to monitor the situation. They have shown that the kidney is stable and is neither improving nor deteriorating. If the next scan in the fall is the same, then they will stretch out the scans to once a year.
The scars have faded to skin tone and he is an active boy. He'll be starting playschool in September when he turns 3 years old. He loves his big brother and follows him everywhere. Whatever Nathan does, Nicholas has to follow suit. We have some concerns for later in life when he wants to join sport teams but the doctors have assured us that he will be able to but he'll need a more rigid kidney protector.
Nicholas looks healthy and people that don't know about his hard start would never imagine that there was any thing wrong. It's very deceiving. Soon he'll be old enough to start to watch out for himself but I still think he'll be an adrenalin junkie like his big brother and he'll play hard at everything he does. I have faith.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

One More Down

Nicholas has given up the lovey blanket! He was weaning himself off of it and leaving it in his bed or on the counter. He just stopped asking and looking for it. I kept them clean and available in case he decided that he needed them but he hasn't.

I finally did the final step and folded them up and put them away permanently this past weekend. I marked the occasion with a stiff drink that evening. Now we still have the toilet training but it is coming along. He's asking more frequently and asking before he does it in his diaper. Diaper free is a long way off still but he's doing better than I ever imagined.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nathan, my romantic boy

Nathan is a ladies man in kindergarten. He's usually surrounded by a small gaggle of girls. He just eats up the attention. He is following in his grandfather's footsteps. LOL

Nathan has his favourite girls; at the beginning of the year it was all about Elizabeth but now he's all about Cheyanne. The little red haired girl to my Charlie Brown boy.

We saw Cheyanne, her little sister Autumn and their Mom at Home Depot one day and we stopped to chat. After we walked away, I started to harass Nathan about Cheyanne.

"Is Cheyanne your girlfriend?"

"No!", Nathan says with a silly grin.

"Do you have a crush on Cheyanne?"

"No!", he replies again.

A minute later, Nathan turns to me and says, "Mom, Cheyanne makes my eyes turn to hearts."

It took all my energy not to crack up laughing. He was so sincere and so dripping with puppy love that I almost fell over. I beat a hasty backtrack to Cheyanne and her Mom to tell her this tidbit. Her Mom shrieked in laughter and we've been talking about it since.

This is definitely one to bring up (in some form or another) at his wedding.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Freaking Accident Prone Kids

On Victoria Day, I was taking a shower and the boys decided it would be fun to come in and take up all the available space. I had just climbed out and was starting to dry off when I heard a horrendous ca-THUD and Nicholas started to scream. As I helped him out of the tub, I saw gob loads of blood coming from his mouth. I thought, 'OK, he's bitten his lip or tongue. It'll stop any minute now.' No such luck!

I finally got him to let me take a look and the blood was coming from the gumline above his right front tooth. A cold wet cloth did little to stem the bloodflow. It did finally slow a bit, enough that he wasn't drooling blood anymore and I was able to call Healthlink. They recommended the Emergency Dental Clinic at the U of A hospital in case he had split the tooth at or inside the gum line.

I was able to get him in to see the dentist and after an x-ray, Nicholas was cleared to go. The tooth is not broken anywhere but it is loosened pretty significantly. He is supposed to be on soft food or liquids for 5-7 days. Oh, this'll be FUN! LOL Thank goodness the kid likes Pediasure, milk and bananas. He keeps asking for pickles though...maybe he's pregnant. LOL

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Random Bragging about my Boys

Here are my little monsters. You'd ALMOST think that they liked each other. LOL Nicholas always wants to do what Big Brother Nathan is doing. I know that this frustrates Nathan to no end but he's gotta live with it. They will be brothers forever...even if they don't always like each other.
This is Nicholas, my future football player/rugby player/professional wrestler. LOL He is not even 3 yet and wearing clothes that Nathan just outgrew last fall. He is 38 inches tall and about 40 pounds. He's a real cheeseball when it comes to having fun. He likes to play innocent but I know that he's really an evil little munchkin. LOL
And first born, my sunshine boy and my biggest source of torment. He is high octane, high energy and more than a little sensitive. He is very much like Stephen in that he is strong willed and likes to test the boundaries. I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, maybe a little more respectful of Mommy's authority but he's cute so he makes up for it. HaHa!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I think I got hit on a WOMAN! LOL

I was out and about with Nathan and Nicholas, doing a little shopping. We had stopped for a bite to eat and as we were finishing up, a lady walks over and asks if she can sit with us. I just figured she was alone and didn't want to take up a table to herself. I agreed to her company...because I'm a nice person. LOL

She introduces herself to me and the boys and starts to chat us up a little. Small talk, right? Then she tells me that she had seen me in the food court and just wanted to say what a pretty lady I am and to wish me a happy day. Certainly I was flattered but a little wierded out too. LOL

This is when Nicholas piped up that Daddy was at work. At that point, Norma beat a hasty retreat. She said that she was here with friends and just wanted to tell me how pretty I was and to wish us a great day again.

I watched her for a little while as she went over to her friends and saw that one friend hugged her and rubbed her back in a comforting way after they had all talked and looked back at me. She looked back a couple more times and waved as she left.

I've got to say I was flattered and it did kind of brighten the day. Even if her intentions were only to be nice, it worked.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mommy Brag Time

As some of you know, my baby Nicholas (he's 2 and a half now) has made use of the comforting properties of both a soother and a blanket. I have been hesitant to remove them because I figured he'd lose interest in his own time and if I tried to wean him off or just abruptly removed them, he'd be wanting them more and NEVER get rid of them. Well the time has come...he has lost the soother and seems to be releasing the blanket too.

I spent all of 2 days just taking the soother away during the day when he was just letting it hang on its tether. If he didn't want it, why have it on his shirt, right? It became out of sight, out of mind. He asked for it the first day when he was getting tired and when he got hurt while playing with Nathan. The next day, only when he was getting tired. The third day, he didn't ask for it at all. I think I lucked out and caught him at the exact right time for this.

As for the blanket, he used to cart it around EVERYWHERE. If he didn't want to carry it any more, he'd put it on his head like a head scarf. It has now spent the majority of the time on the floor (or counter). He is now picking it up mostly to ball up and throw at me or Nathan. He isn't using it to fall asleep now but he still wants it when he wakes up in the middle of the night. Half the time in the mornings, he'll just leave it in his bed.

OK, 2 toddler/preschooler things done, time to get serious about using the toilet. He has shown SOME interest in it but not consistantly. He uses the toilet more often if I suggest it...not always, but more often. I'm trying not to panic about it but he needs to be toilet trained by September when he's enrolled to go to playschool. It's coming along, slowly.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

About Kids

I've been reading Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son Soul and came across a passage that really summed it up for me, the mother of 2 sons.

A father may turn his back on his child; brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies; husbands may desert their wives, and wives their husbands. But a mother's love endures through all; in good repute, in bad repute, in the face of the world's condemnation, a mother still loves on and still hopes that her child may turn from his evil ways and repent; still she remembers the infant smiles that once filled her bosom with rapture, the merry laugh, the joyful shout of his childhood, the opening promise of his youth; and she can never be brought to think him unworthy. ~Washington Irving

No matter how frustrated I get with my boys, they are still my world. As a wise friend of mine said (loosely quoted) these traits that we cringe at and try to curb in their childhood will be the traits that make them successful in their adulthood. Thanks Dani, I need to be reminded of this every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My Baby is growing up

I went last night and registered Nicholas for Playschool. He'll be going Monday mornings from 9:30-11:30.

I have the summer now to get him potty trained and try to get him to separate from me. I'm hoping by September (and his third birthday) he'll be willing to let me out of his sight for a couple of hours. He needs to be socialized with kids his own age and have different adults take care of him.

This will be the beginning of his practice to get ready for kindergarten in 2 years. LOL I'm planning WAAAAAAY ahead. It'll probably take ME that long to get used to him not being totally attached to me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

You should just go away somewhere.

That's the great advice of a pediatric physician on how to help my sons get better and stop being so sick.

It's been 3 hours since she said it and I'm STILL shaking my head.

As you will realize, my sons are sick or injured a lot. It is a way of life for us. LOL Winter 2005-2006 was our year for croup and this winter has been asthma attacks triggered by colds and RSV.

I had to take the boys into the hospital again today because Nicholas needed to be rechecked after a week's treatment for pneumonia. He still wasn't any better. Nathan has been coughing and snorting for well over a month and is still not losing it. I've come to the end of what I can do at home for them.

Nathan is being affected by the snow moulds, grass moulds, dust, and the rotting vegetation of early spring. Nicholas is being affected the same way but is more asthmatic at the moment. So basically, we just continue using the Flovent and Ventolin inhalers and Nicholas is on Pediapred for 5 days.

Oh the joys of motherhood! LOL Honestly, I wouldn't give it up for anything else in this world...maybe the next world, but not this one. LOL

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Another shot

So I'm giving this blogging thing another shot. I tried once before and failed to be as creative as I wanted to be. I just came off as depressed. LOL

This time'll be different. I have inspiration from some of my friends.

I'm sitting here thinking about what to write and listening to Nathan and Nicholas beating the tar out of each other. I DEFINITELY have boys! LOL

On the topic of the boys beating each other silly, I had to take Nathan into the ER yesterday because he had fallen over Nicholas a few days back and smacked his face on a toy. His left cheekbone is scraped and bruised. I had been treating him at home but yesterday he refused to eat because it hurt so bad. I thought maybe he had something like a hairline fracture of the jaw the way he was carrying on. So off we trot to the Stollery Hospital.

The intern starts his exam and starts asking a lot of questions about Nathan's past history of injuries. This kid has had a concussion (from tripping over the cat), a split lip that almost needed plastic surgery (from a face plant on a slide), a hole inside his lip from biting it, several black eyes, and a different injury to his left cheekbone (from climbing on a chair and falling onto his toy bin). He has bruises up and down his legs and arms and scratches on his belly.

I can account for almost every mark on his body. The way the intern was interogating me...well, let's just say that I'm not an idiot, I know he was checking for abuse issues. It was almost laughable except for the seriousness of the accusation. I actually felt guilty and I know that I've done nothing wrong. I guess I should be happy that the hospital is vigilant about it. Still, it freaked me out.

My boys play hard. They never look before they leap and unfortunately, that leads to injuries. As it turns out, Nathan's problem had nothing to do with the fall on the toy, he has a bad molar. Guess what Mommy's doing Tuesday morning! LOL

So there it drama. What would my life be like without drama? Pretty boring I think.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

This is my Mom's Grad year photo. I love it. I honestly look just like her. It's funny to think that a year later, she was a Mom.

April 7, 2007 would have been Mom's 52nd birthday. I still find it hard to believe that she's been gone 6 1/2 years.

Today was honestly very hard. Nathan and Nicholas kept me pretty busy but now that they're sleeping, I have time to think.

I love you Mom and I really miss you. I hope that your birthday was grand.

Claire Booker (nee Szatmary)
April 7, 1955 - September 9, 2000